Is the Earth really only 10,000 years old? (SFBT);
The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT);
Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT);
What are The Meanings Of The Words Translated "created" In Genesis 1:1 And "make" in Genesis 1:16? (Y/A; Esp. Bar Enosh's response)
Gen. 1:2
Gen. 1:2 (Why Does the New World Translation Bible Say, "God's Active Force" at Gen. 1:2?) (SFBT);
Gen. 1:2 (Ruach) (INDNWT);
What is the Holy Spirit? (SFBT);
What is the difference in the meaning of "ru´ach" (spirit) in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 in the Bible?;
The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT)
Gen. 1:3
The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT)
Gen. 1:5
Is Gen. 1:5 talking about a literal morning and a literal evening of a literal day? (JWQ&A)
Gen. 1:6-8
From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:9-13
Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:11-13
Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (SFBT);
Is the Earth really only 10,000 years old? (SFBT);
Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:16,17
God made the stars on day #4? (Yahoo Answers; Elijah's Best Answer);
How could God produce light on the first day if the luminaries were not made until the fourth day? (SFBT);
What are The Meanings Of The Words Translated "created" In Genesis 1:1 And "make" in Genesis 1:16? (Y/A; Esp. Bar Enosh's response);
Why does the Bible refer to light from the moon when the moon only REFLECTS light? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 1:20-25
Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (SFBT);
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Animals souls? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:26
Gen. 1:26 - "Let Us Make Man in Our Image" (SFBT);
This scripture prove Trinity? (SFBT);
Image (Examining the Trinity);
How is Man Made in God's Image? (Gen. 1:26) (SFBT); ("Let us make man in our image") -
I-AM 5; (Examining the Trinity);
Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:27
"In the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"-
ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity);
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:28
"in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"-
ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity);
What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT);
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT);
What is the purpose of life? (SFBT);
If true Christians will live on Paradise Earth forever, won't over-population become a problem? (SFBT);
Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:30
Did animals eat meat before the statement at Gen. 1:30? Will all animals will be vegetarian in the new world? How can we account for meat-eating animals apparently at creation being equipped as meat eaters? (JWQ&A)
Gen. 2:2
Gen. 2:2 - How and Why Did God Rest on “the Seventh Day"? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:4
Does Genesis 2:4 show day can cover time in creating heaven and earth? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer);
Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:5,6
Does Gen. 2:5,6 Indicate That it Never Rained Before the Flood? (SFBT);
Why did God call "their name Adam"? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:7
Soul immortal? (SFBT);
Animals souls? (SFBT);
Hell (SFBT);
Are humans made of dirt? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 2:8
Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:10-14
Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:15
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:17
What did the tree of the knowledge of good and bad represent? (SFBT);
Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT);
Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:19
Is Genesis 2:19 Really Saying That God “Was Forming” Animals AFTER He Already Created Adam? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:23,24
Gen. 2:23,24 - Quotation Confusion - How could the biblical Adam speak of mothers and fathers if he never had one? (SFBT)
Why wedding anniversaries acceptable but not birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:1-6
How Could the Snake in the Garden of Eden Talk When Snakes Don't Have Vocal Cords?
Gen. 3:4
Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT);
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:5
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:6
What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:7
Fig Leaves in Genesis (Jimspace)
Gen. 3:21
Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:22
To whom was Jehovah referring as “one of us” at Genesis 3:22? (w03 10/15 p. 27; WOL)
Didn't Adam and Eve Already Have to Know What Was Bad in Order to Eat From the Tree and Disobey God?
Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:23
Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:2-4
Who was Abel? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:4
Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:16,17
Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:19-22
Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT);
How did early Christians and Jews of Bible times view birthday celebrations? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:1,2
"made him in the likeness of God... created them male & female" -
ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 5:4
Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:24
Who were the Genesis 5:24 - What Does it Mean That "God Took Him"? Did Enoch Really Go To Heaven?? (SFBT);
Did Enoch see God? (Y/A Bar_Anerges Best Answer)
Gen. 5:27
Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:30,31
Lamech lived 777 years (SFBT)
Gen. 6:1-4
Who were the Nephilim? (SFBT);
Were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2 angels, and if so, how could they produce offspring (Nephilim) in the time of Noah? (SFBT);
Who were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2? (vs. 2) (SFBT)
Jehovah's Witnesses-What is your viewpoint on Gen 6:1-5?
Gen. 6:6
Genesis 6:6 "regret" or "repent"? (JWitness Forum)
Gen. 6:17
From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 7:11
From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 7:15
Gen. 7:15 - "force of life was active" (DNWT)
Gen. 8:21
Gen. 8:21 - "Jehovah began to smell a restful odor" (DNWT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Gen. 9:3,4
Did Humans Eat Meat Before The Flood? (SFBT);
Should Christians eat red meat since it may contain a trace of blood? (SFBT);
Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT);
Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT);
Are JWs correct for refusing blood? (SFBT);
Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT);
Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT);
Why do JWs abstain from blood? (SFBT);
Could a Christian Have Any Grounds to Ignore The Prohibition on Blood? (SFBT);
Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 9:5, 6
Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT);
Life is sacred (SFBT);
Seriousness (SFBT);
God's principle apply to human blood? (SFBT);
Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT);
How does God view unborn children? (SFBT);
Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Gen. 9:20-27
Genesis 9:20-27 - How is This Account of Canaan, Ham and Noah to be Understood? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:5
Does Genesis 10:5 really suggest that various tongues (languages) already existed BEFORE the confusion of tongues at Babel (Genesis 11:1)? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:9
Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:25
According to the Bible, when was the city (and tower) of Ba'bel built? (SFBT)
Gen. 11:1
Does Genesis 10:5 really suggest that various tongues (languages) already existed BEFORE the confusion of tongues at Babel (Genesis 11:1)? (SFBT)
What Language did Adam and Eve Speak?
Gen. 11:6
Where Do the Different Races Come From? (SFBT)
Gen. 16:7
What is an angel?;
Scholars' Quotes Concerning Jesus as an Angel (SFBT)
Gen. 16:12
Gen. 16:12 - "he will become a zebra of a man" (DNWT)
Gen. 17:1
Jehovah - Importance of name;
Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Gen. 17:4
Gen. 17:4 - "you will certainly become father of a crowd of nations" (DNWT)
Gen. 18
Three Angels Speak to Abraham -
IMAGE 5-6, (and f.n.#7);
SF 2-3 (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 18:25
"'Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?' (Gen. 18:25)" (JWQ&A)
Gen. 19:24
Are There Really Two Members of Trinity Mentioned at Genesis 19:24? (SFBT);
Gen. 19:24 ("Jehovah rained down fire ... from Jehovah") (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 20:13
Plural verb with Elohim? -
ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 21:9
Gen. 21:9 - "Sarah kept noticing the son of Hagar...poking fun" (DNWT)
Gen. 24:2
Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Gen. 32:3
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Gen. 32:17
Why was NWT printed? (SFBT)
Gen. 34:31
Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT);
Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Gen. 35:2-4
Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT);
Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Gen. 35:7
Plural verb with Elohim? -
ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 35:18
How can a soul "leave" someone (Gen 35:18; 1Kings 17:21)? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 40:18-22
Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT);
What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 41:13
Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT);
What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 48:13-20
How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT)
Ex. 3:14
Why it is Highly Probable That the Hebrew Word 'Ehyeh' is Mistranslated as "I AM" at Exodus 3:14 (SFBT);
What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT); "I AM WHO I AM" -
I-AM (Examining the Trinity);
How do we know that 'I Am' at Ex. 3:14 in KJV is incorrect? (JWQ&A);
John 8:58 (Bible Translation and Study; Scroll down to First Scriptural Heading);
Sahidic Coptic John 8:58 and Sahidic Coptic Exodus 3:14 (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses);
What About Trinity "Proof Texts"? (5th heading down) (WBTS);
Stafford's "'ANI HU and the LXX of Isaiah" (INDNWT);
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT);
Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT);
How should "ehyah asher ehyeh" properly be rendered? (jwitness forum)
Ex. 3:15
How important is God's Name? (SFBT);
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT);
Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT);
What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT);
Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 4:16
God calling Moses "a god" (SFBT)
Ex. 6:2
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 7:1
Exodus 7:1 - "a god" or "God"?(Reasoning From Scripture);
Moses is "a god" -
DEF 4, 5-6;
WORSHIP 1 (Examining the Trinity);
Aaron is prophet = spokesman (SFBT);
God and gods (SFBT);
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 12:1-11
Literal lamb, "Jehovah's passover" (SFBT)
Ex. 14:19,20
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Ex. 15:2
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ex. 15:11
God and gods;
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 17:9
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Ex. 20:1-5
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT);
(vs. 4) Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT);
Should Idols / Icons be used in worship? (vs. 4,5) (SFBT)
Ex. 20:7
What does it mean to take God's name "in vain"? (Ex. 20:7) (SFBT);
Accuracy of NWT? (SFBT);
How important is God's Name? (SFBT);
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT);
Christians and the Name (WBTS)
Ex. 20:13
Why does the KJV say in Exodus 20:13 "thou shalt not kill", but in the NWT it says "you must not murder"? (JWQ&A);
Don't murder (SFBT);
How does God view unborn children? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:2
Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:6
God and gods;
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:22,23
Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT);
Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (vs.23) (SFBT);
How Jesus saves (SFBT);
Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT);
How does God view unborn children? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:14, 22-25
Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT);
Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT);
Life is sacred (SFBT);
Injury to unborn child (SFBT);
Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Ex. 22:8,9
God and gods;
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 22:22
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 23:1
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ex. 23:13
JWs celebrate anything? (SFBT);
Why don't JWs celebrate birthdays? (SFBT);
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT);
Easter have pagan associations? (SFBT);
Should Christians celebrate birthdays?
Ex. 23:19
Why did the Law forbid boiling a kid in its mother's milk? (JWQ&A)
Ex. 32:1-6
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Ex. 34:13
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
Lev. 1:3
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT);
Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT);
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 1:10
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT);
Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT);
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 3:1
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT);
Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT);
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 7:26,27
Eat red meat? (SFBT);
Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT);
Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT);
Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT);
Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Lev. 16:29-31
Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Lev. 17:10-14
God's principle apply to human blood? (SFBT);
Eat red meat? (SFBT);
Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT);
Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT);
Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT);
Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT);
Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Lev. 18:6-18
Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Lev. 19:27
Jehovah's Witnesses - Are Wearing Beards Discouraged? (Defending Jehovah's Witnesses)
Lev. 19:28
Are tattoos for Christians today? (SFBT)
Lev. 19:29
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Lev. 23:21
Translation and revision of Lev 23:21 proves that the New World Translation Bible translators DID know Hebrew (SFBT)
Lev. 23:27
Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Lev. 24:17,18
Animals souls? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:10
Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:39
Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:47-49
Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 26:29
What does this scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Lev. 26:30
Hebrew "gullilum" - "dungy idols"-New World Translation (INDNWT)
Num. 11:17
Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT);
Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT);
Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Num. 11:25
Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT);
Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT);
Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Num. 12:8
"No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT)
Num. 20:8
Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT)
Num. 20:9-11
Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT)
Deut. 1:38
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Deut. 3:21
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Deut. 6:4
"The LORD our God is one LORD" -
ECHAD (Examining the Trinity);
Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT)
Deut. 6:5
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Deut. 6:6
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 9:21
Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT);
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 10:13
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 11:8
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 11:13
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 12:3,4
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:16
Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:23-25
Eat red meat?;
Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:29,30
Do not do for God as pagans do for gods -
HIST 20 (Examining the Trinity)
Deut. 12:30-32
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Deut. 14:7
Does the Bible say rabits chew the cud? (jwitness forum)
Deut. 14:18-20
Does the Bible really say that bats are birds? (jwitness forum)
Deut. 15:12-15
Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Deut. 15:23
Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 17:1
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT);
Important if a holiday has pagan associations?;
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:9-12
New Year's (SFBT)
Deut. 18:10
Waterwitching and other paranormal powers (SFBT);
Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT);
Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:11
Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:12
Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:19-22
'False Prophet Claim' (SFBT)
Deut. 19:9
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 22:5
Deut. 22:5 - What is The PRINCIPLE of this Law About not Wearing Clothing of the Opposite Sex? (SFBT);
Do you understand the meaning of Deuteronomy 22:5 (About not wearing clothing of the opposite sex)? (Yahoo Answers, Best Answer);
Does this Scripture mean that women should never wear men's pants? What does this Scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Deut. 22:23-29
Examining Deuteronomy 22:23- 27: Counsel on What One Should do When Threatened With Rape (SFBT);
What was the punishment for rape according to the Mosaic Law? (Yahoo Answers, Best Answer);
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 23:13,14
Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 27:4
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 27:19
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 31:2
Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 32:5
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 32:6
Jehovah is Father -
BWF (#10);
I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity)
Deut. 33:2
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Deut. Chapter 34
If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Deut. 34:10
Since "No Man Has Seen God at Any Time", Then How Was it That Moses Knew God "Face to Face"? (Deut. 34:10) (SFBT)
Joshua 1:7
If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Joshua 1:12
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Judges 2:7
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Judges 2:16
Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 3:4
If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Judges 3:10
Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT);
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Judges 6:14
Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 6:25
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
Judges 6:31
"He is a god" - Septuagint -
QUAL 11;
DEF (f.n.#18);
SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
Judges 6:34
Is the Holy Spirit really God?;
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Judges 6:37
Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 14:3
NWT - Judges 14:3 `Her get for me....'." (DNWT)
Ruth 2:4
Jehovah - Importance of name;
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Samuel
1 Sam. 2:3
What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 10:6
Is the Holy Spirit really God?;
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 11:6
Is the Holy Spirit really God?;
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 14:31-34
Could God's Moral Principle on Blood be Set Aside in Times of Emergency? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 15:17-23
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 20:12
Said unto David, "O LORD God of Israel" -
MY GOD 3-4 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Sam. 28:13
Spirit medium sees "a god" -
DEF 5, 6 (Examining the Trinity)
2 Samuel
2 Sam.7:2-7
Build a house for the ark (SFBT)
2 Sam. 7:23
Plural verb with Elohim? -
ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
2 Sam. 24:1-3
Why did Jehovah's anger blaze against David for taking a census of Israel? (SFBT)
1 Kings
1 Kings 1:21
"My Lord" -
WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 1:31
Bathsheba "worships" King David -
WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 16:33
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
1 Kings 16:34
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
1 Kings 17:21
How can a soul "leave" someone (Gen 35:18; 1Kings 17:21)? (jwitness forum)
1 Kings 18:24
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:26
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:27
"He is a god" -
DEF 15, (
QUAL 11;
SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 18:36-8
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:39
Gods or only one God? (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
2 Kings
2 Kings 2:1-12
Is 2 Kings 2:11 Really Proof That Faithful Ones Who Died Before Jesus Went to Heaven? Did Elijah Really Ascend to Heaven? (SFBT);
"What is meant at 2 Kings 2:11, 12 where the prophet Elijah is described as "ascending in the windstorm to the heavens"?" (JWQ&A; #4 in listing)
2 Kings 2:23,24
Elisha and the bear (jwitness forum)
2 Kings 18:6
If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
2 Kings 19:19
True God (SFBT)
2 Kings 20:1-6
Isaiah's timeline prophecy (SFBT)
2 Kings 21:7
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
2 Kings 22:2
Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
2 Kings 23:5
Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT);
Does the Bible speak about stars and planets? (jwitness forum)
2 Kings 23:6
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
2 Kings 23:10
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
3 Kings
3 Kings 1:21
Septuagint: "My Lord" -
WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
3 King 1:31
Septuagint: Bathsheba "worships" King David) -
WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
3 Kings 18:27
Septuagint: "He is a god" -
DEF 15, (
QUAL 11;
SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
1 Chronicles
1 Chron. 11:18,19
Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
1 Chron. 16:8
How important is God's Name? (SFBT);
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Chron. 29:20
Worship to Jehovah and King David -
HS 14 (Examining the Trinity)
2 Chronicles
2 Chron. 16:9
Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Ezra 6:12
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Neh. 8:17
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Esther(Book of)
Is God's Name in the Book of Esther? Should the Book of Esther be a Part of the Hebrew Bible? (SFBT)
Job 1:4
Does Job 1:4 indicate that Job’s children celebrated their birthdays? (SFBT)
Job 1:6
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Job 1:8
Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Job 2:1
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Job 6:6
Job 6:6 - "Marshmallow" (INDNWT)
Job 14:13
Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Job 15:31
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Job 18:13
"Firstborn of Death" -
BWF 11,12-13 (Examining the Trinity)
Job 24:24
Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Job 26:7
Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT);
Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT)
Job 33:4
Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT);
Human life has divine origin (SFBT);
Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Job 38:1
Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Job 38:12,13
Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT);
Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Job 38:4-7
Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT);
What is an angel? (vs. 7) (SFBT);
Jesus - "The Bright Morning Star" (vs. 7) (SFBT)
Job 40:17
At Job 40:17, is the "Behemoth" a Dinosaur or a Hippopotamus? (SFBT)
Job 42:5
Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Ps. 1:2
Ps. 1:2 (hagah) (DNWT)
Ps. 5:11
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Ps. 8:5,6
God and gods (SFBT);
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); Angels called "gods" -
DEF 4 (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 9:17
Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Ps. 9:18
Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Ps. 13:3
Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT);
Reincarnation true? (SFBT)
Ps. 19:1
Big Bang Theory;
Creation (SFBT);
The "impossible" universe (SFBT)
Ps. 19:9-11
How important to abstain? (SFBT);
Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (vs. 9) (SFBT)
Ps. 22:1
Why, while hanging on the stake, did Jesus Christ cry out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (SFBT)
Ps. 25:4,5
Blood as Medicine And The Role of Your Conscience (SFBT)
Ps. 31:6
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 34:8
1 Pet 2:3 (DNWT);
1 Peter 2:3 ("Lord") (INDNWT)
Ps. 35:13
Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Ps. 36:9
How should the Source of human life affect our view of abortion? (SFBT)
Ps. 37:11
What future hope for JWs? (SFBT);
If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Ps. 37:29
Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you take Psalms 37:29 and Psalms 104:5 to mean that the earth will last forever? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer);
Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Ps. 45:6
"Your throne, O God" -
HEB (Examining the Trinity);
Psalms 45:6(NIV)"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom." (Yahoo Answers);
God and gods (SFBT);
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 46
("Shake" - "spear") -
THEOMATICS (end note) (SFBT)
Ps. 58:11
Plural verb with Elohim? -
ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 65:2
What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Ps. 68:4
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 68:18
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 74:7
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Ps. 74:13
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Ps. 76:6
Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT)
Ps. 80:1
What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT);
Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Ps. 82:1
God and gods;
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 82:6
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 83:16,17
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 83:18
Is God the Father? (SFBT);
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT);
How important is God's Name? (SFBT);
Why isn't H.S. given equal description in the Bible? (SFBT);
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
Does the Holy Spirit have a personal name? (SFBT);
Holy Spirit nameless (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT);
Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Ps. 86:8
Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Ps. 86:10
True God (SFBT)
Ps. 89:27
Why does Jehovah refer to “David my servant” as firstborn, when David was not a firstborn son? (it-1 pp. 835-836 Firstborn, Firstling)
Ps. 90:2
Ps. 90:2 (Yalad) (INDNWT);
Who created Jesus? (SFBT);
Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Bowman's example of an `absolute' I Am) -
I-AM (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 90:10
What motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)
Ps. 90:12
What does this Scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Ps. 96:5
Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Ps. 97:7
God and gods (SFBT);
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 99:1
What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT)
Ps. 100:3-5
Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT);
Human life has divine origin (SFBT);
Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Ps. 104:5
Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you take Psalms 37:29 and Psalms 104:5 to mean that the earth will last forever? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ps. 104:15
How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View the Consumption of Alcohol? (SFBT)
Ps. 107:8, 15, 21, 31
"Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Ps. 110:1
KNOW 2,3,4;
I-AM 2,7,16;
MINOR 7 (Examining the Trinity);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT);
How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT)
Ps. 111:10
Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Ps. 115:16
What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT);
Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Ps. 118:23
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 119:34
Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Ps. 119:111
What is a "Principle" and why is it important? (SFBT)
Ps. 119:118
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 119:144
Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Ps. 135:13
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 137:9
Does God delight in killing babies? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 138:1
How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 139:13-16
Yatsar (Predestination) Ps. 139: 15,16 (SFBT);
Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT);
God sees unborn child (SFBT);
How does God view unborn children? (SFBT);
Why did God give men nipples? Or is this evidence against Creation? (vs. 14) (SFBT)
Ps. 141:3
What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 146:3
Does Psalms 146:3 mean that Christians should trust no one? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 146:4
God punish humans with hell? (SFBT);
What happens after death? (SFBT);
Reincarnation true? (SFBT);
Dead experience pain? (SFBT);
Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT)
Ps. 148:7
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Prov. 2:3
Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 2:4,5
Genesis believable? (SFBT);
Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 4:18
"New Light" - Should Opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses Really be Taken Seriously When They Can't Even Use the Correct Phrase? (SFBT);
'False Prophet' Claim and Jerusalem 607 B.C.E. (SFBT);
WBTS ever claimed infallibility? (SFBT);
Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Prov. 8:13
Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 8:22-31
Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT);
Is Proverbs 8:22-31 talking about Wisdom personified instead of Jesus? Why is Wisdom referred to in the feminine gender? (SFBT);
What Does the Hebrew Word 'Qanah' Mean at Prov. 8:22? (SFBT);
Scores of trinitarian bibles have decided to render the word 'qanah' as "create". (JWQ&A);
Prov. 8:22-30 "Wisdom" and Christ (Examining the Trinity); Prov. 8:22-30 (Wisdom = Jesus) -
BWF 1,5-9;
CREEDS 10, 12, 15 (bis), 16 (Examining the Trinity)
Prov. 8:30,31
Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT);
Does Gen 1:26 prove Trinity? (SFBT);
How man made in God's image? (SFBT);
Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT);
Who created Jesus? (SFBT)
Prov. 9:10
Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 11:16
Why does Prov. 11:16 in the NWT differ from some other translations? (DNWT)
Prov. 12:10
Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Prov. 14:25
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Prov. 16:6
Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 18:1
Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Prov. 20:18
What does it mean when this scripture says "with good advise make war"? (JWQ&A);
What does it mean when this scripture says "with good advise make war" (Part 2)? (JWQ&A)
Prov. 26:18,19
How Should a Christian View April Fools' Day?
Prov. 28:26
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Prov. 31:10
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov 31:28,29
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 31:30
Cosmetic surgery (SFBT);
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Eccl. 2:24
Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Eccl. 3:4
What should a Christian's view be toward dancing? (SFBT)
Eccl. 3:11
Would it be boring to live forever? (SFBT);
Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals?
Eccl. 4:9,10
Why JWs preach in twos? (SFBT)
Eccl. 7:2
What does this Scriptue mean? (JWQ&A)
Eccl. 9:5
God punish humans with hell? (SFBT);
What happens after death? (SFBT);
Reincarnation true? (SFBT);
Hell (SFBT);
Dead experience pain? (SFBT);
Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT);
What are some practical suggestions for those who have lost a loved one in death? (SFBT)
Eccl. 9:6
What happens after death? (SFBT)
Eccl. 9:10
Hell (SFBT);
Dead experience pain? (SFBT)
Eccl. 12:13
What is the purpose of life? (SFBT);
What motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)
Isa. 1:1
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:1,2
What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT);
Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:3
"Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Isa. 6:6,7
What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT);
Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:8
Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:11,12
Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT)
Isa. 7:14
Jesus merely a man? (SFBT);
Should Jesus really be considered to be God because he was symbolically “named” Immanuel (Isa. 7:14; Mt. 1:23) which means “God is with us”? (SFBT)
Isa. 9:6
Isa. 9:6 "Mighty God, Eternal Father" (Examining the Trinity);
Isa. 9:6 - NWT (DNWT);
NAME - “Jesus,” “Immanuel,” and Is. 9:6 (Examining the Trinity);
BOWGOD (God and gods) (Examining the Trinity);
Does Isa. 9:6 prove that Jesus is God? (SFBT);
Why is Jesus called "Mighty God" at Isa. 9:6? (SFBT);
One God in Three? (Pastor Russell; Heading: "No Trinity in the “Old Testament”');
How does the Codex Sinaiticus render Is. 9:6? (JWQ&A);
How is translated Isaiah 9:6 in old Aramaic Targums? (JWQ&A)
Isa. 10:1,2
Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:2
Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT);
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:6-9
Isaiah 11:7 and Isaiah 65:25 - How Will the Lion "Eat Straw Like a Bull"? (SFBT)
Vegetarian Lioness: Little Tyke (
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:12
Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT);
Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Isa. 12:2
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 12:4
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 14:8
What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 14:12
Is 'Lucifer' a Name For Satan the Devil? (SFBT);
Who is Satan the Devil? (SFBT);
Is Satan Lucifer? (Jimspace)
Isa. 24:4
What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 24:7
What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 24:23
What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 25:6
Is it Scripturally Acceptable for a Christian to Eat Animal Bone Marrow? Bone Marrow Transplants? (SFBT)
Isa. 26:4
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 26:14
What happens after death? (SFBT)
Isa. 27:1
Dinosaurs and the Bible
Isa. 33:24
God punish humans with hell? (SFBT);
What happens after death? (SFBT);
Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
Isa. 34:9,10
Does Revelation 14:10, 11 prove the existence of a fiery Hell? (SFBT)
Isa. 34:16
Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT)
Isa. 35:1-4
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 35:5,6
Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT);
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 37:16
True God (SFBT)
Isa. 40:22
Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT);
Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Isa. 40:26
Big Bang Theory (SFBT)
Isa. 41:10
Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Isa. 42:8
Heb. 1:3 / Isa. 42:8 Does Jesus really share Jehovah's Glory? (Examining the Trinity)
Isa. 43:10-12
What Does it Mean to be a Witness of Jehovah? (SFBT);
"What Have Jehovah's Witnesses Witnessed?" - How Did Jehovah's Witnesses Get Their Name? (SFBT);
How old is JW religion? (SFBT);
JWs an American religion? (SFBT)
Isa. 43:11
Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT);
Title Confusion Trick "Saviour" (Examining the Trinity);
How many saviors at Isaiah 43:11? (jwitness forum);
A short exchange on "savior" and Isaiah 43:11 (INDNWT)
Isa. 44:6
Isa. 44:6 "pronoun confusion trick" (Examining the Trinity);
Isa. 44:6 / Rev. 1:17 "First and the Last" (SFBT)
Isa. 44:24
Isaiah 44:24 - What is meant when God said, "I ALONE stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth"? (GNT) (SFBT)
Isa. 45:14
Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Isa. 45:18
What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT);
Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Isa. 46:11
Only instance 'yatsar' is interpreted as "purposed" (SFBT)
Isa. 48:16
Isa. 48:16; Trinitarian "speaker confusion" trick (SFBT)
Isa. 52:11
Singing Christmas Carols? (SFBT)
Isa. 53:1
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Isa. 53:10
I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity)
Isa. 55:6,7
What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Isa. 55:8,9
Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
Isa. 58:1
Is. 58:1 - "Call out full-throated; do not hold back" (DNWT)
Isa. 61:1
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Isa. 63:9
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Isa. 63:16
Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Isa. 64:8
Jehovah is Father -
KNOW 4 (Examining the Trinity);
I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity);
Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God?
Isa. 65:25
Isaiah 11:7 and Isaiah 65:25 - How Will the Lion "Eat Straw Like a Bull"? (SFBT)
What does Isaiah 65:25 mean when it says that "the lion will eat straw just like the bull"? (JWQ&A)
Jer. 1:5
Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT)
Jer. 7:1-4
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:5
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:8-10
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:13-15
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:30,31
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 9:6
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 10:10
Jer. 10:10 " in truth God." (INDNWT);
Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Jer. 10:23
Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 10:25
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 16:19
Trinitarian reasoning - water and blood persons too? (SFBT);
Jehovah - Importance of name?;
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Jer. 16:21
Jehovah - Importance of name? (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Jer. 17:4
How long will God be angry? (jwitness forum)
Jer. 17:9
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 19:5
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 20:7
How did Jehovah fool Jeremiah and what lesson can we draw from this?
Jer. 23:6
"Jehovah Is Our Righteousness" -
NAME 4 (Examining the Trinity);
Why is Jesus called Mighty God? (SFBT)
Jer. 23:27
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 25:8-11
Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Jer. 25:17,18
Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Jer. 33:16
Why is Jesus called Mighty God? (SFBT)
Ezek. 1:1
Wedding rings and calendars? (SFBT)
Ezek. 3:17-21
What is Ezek. 3:17-21 saying? (JWQ&A);
Ezekiel not a literal "watchman" (SFBT)
Ezek. 8:14
Wedding rings and calenders? (SFBT)
Ezek. 9:2-4
"Secretary"; "mark" on the forehead (SFBT)
Ezek. 10:1,2
What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT)
Ezek. 12:24
Eze. 18:4
Soul immortal? (SFBT);
Hell (SFBT);
Soul survive death of body? (SFBT)
Ezek. 21:2-4
Why at ezekiel 21:2-4 God said both righteous and unrighteous ones of israel will feel his wrath? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ezek. 22:3,4
New Year's (SFBT)
Ezek. 31:5
Why does the NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Ezek. 34:25
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Ezek. 36:21
Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Ezek. 37:25
What does the "for ever" in Ezekiel 37:25 mean in Hebrew? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ezek. 39:6
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Ezek. 39:7
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT);
Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Dan. 2:44
To pledge? (SFBT);
Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT)
Dan. 4:11
Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT);
Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Dan. 7:13,14
Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Dan. 9:2
Jerusalem lay in ruins SEVENTY years (SFBT);
Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Dan. 10:5
Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Dan. 10:13
Does Daniel 10:13 prove that Michael the Archangel is not Jesus Christ? ("one of the chief princes.") (SFBT);
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:2-4
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:7
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:16
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:20,21
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:40
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:40-45
The King of the North, the King of the South and the "Time of the End”
Dan. 12:1
Quotes From Scholars Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel (SFBT);
Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 12:4
Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Dan. 12:8,9
Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Hosea 2:18
Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Hosea 4:12
Should a Christian dabble in dowsing? (SFBT)
Hosea 12:7
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Joel 2:26
Joel 2:26,32 (DNWT);
Joel 2:32 (JWQ&A);
Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT);
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Joel 2:28