Rev. 4:5
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Scriptures Examined By: The Official Jehovah's Witnesses Web Site (Watchtower Online Library); Search For Bible Truths (SFBT)*; Defend Jehovah's Witnesses (DJW)*; Defending the New World Translation (DNWT)*; Examining the Trinity*; God's View of Blood (GVB)*; Jehovah's Witnesses Questions & Answers (JWQ&A); Jehovah's Witnesses - Reasoning From Scripture; In Defense of the New World Translation; Jehovah's Witnesses United; Pastor Russell; Bible Translation and Study; How Theology and Bias affects Bible Translation; Jehovah's Witnesses - Setting the Record Straight; From God's Word; Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses; Yahoo Answers
Gen. 1:1
Mt. 6:24
Mt. 6:27
Mt. 7:13,14
Mt. 7:15, 16 'False Prophet Claim' (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Mt. 7:21,22
Mt. 8:11
Mt. 8:12
Mt. 10:11-14
Mt. 10:22
Mt. 10:28
Mt. 11:18,19
Mt. 12:32
Mt. 12:34
Mt. 12:39-42
Mt. 14:6-11
Mt. 15:3
Mt. 15:6
Mt. 15:14
Mt. 15:28
Mt. 16:18
Mt. 16:21-23
Mt. 16:25
Mt. 17:11-13
Mt. 18:1-5
Mt. 18:11
Mt. 18:17
Mt. 18:20
Mt. 19:4-6
Mt. 19:9
Mt. 19:23,24
Mt. 19:26
Mt. 21:42
Mt. 22:30
Mt. 22:32
Mt. 22:37,38
Mt. 22:39
Mt. 22:43-45
Mt. 23:7
Mt. 23:14
Mt. 24:3
Mt. 24:11
Mt. 24:13
Mt. 24:14
Mt. 24:21,22
Mt. 24:27
Mt. 24:30
Mt. 24:36
Mt. 24:37
Mt. 24:39
Mt. 24:40-42
Mt. 25:11
Mt. 25:31
Mt. 25:33
Mt. 25:46
Mt. 26:12
Mt. 26:26-28
Mt. 26:30
Mt. 26:64
Mt. 27:5
Mt. 27:9
Mt. 27:46
Mt. 27:50
Mt. 27:52,53
Mt. 27:59, 60
Mt. 28:1
Mt. 28:18
Mt. 28:19
Mt. 28:20
Mark 1:4
Mark 1:10
Mark 1:27
Mark 1:41
Mark 1:45
Mark 2:22
Mark 3:28,29
Mark 6:3
Mark 6:21-28
Mark 7:6-9
Mark 7:13
Mark 7:20-23
Mark 8:27-29
Mark 8:31-33
Mark 8:35-37
Mark 9:47,48
Mark 10:3-5
Mark 10:5,6
Mark 10:11,12
Mark 10:18
Mark 10:27
Mark 12:25
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Mark 12:29
Mark 12:36,37
Mark 13:13
Mark 13:26,27
Mark 14:3, 8
Mark 14:22-24
Mark 14:61,62
Mark 15:34
Mark 15:39
Mark 15:46
Mark 16:1
Mark 16:2
Luke 1:32
Luke 1:34,35
Luke 1:69
Luke 2:7
Luke 2:8
Luke 2:11
Luke 2:29
Luke 3:22
Luke 3:23-38
Luke 3:38
Luke 4:5-8
Luke 4:16-20
Luke 6:41,42
Luke 7:39 A Response to Don Hartley on the Matter of the Colwell Construction, Luke 7:39, and the Use of Theology in Grammatical Studies (JW United)
Luke 8:1
Luke 8:2,3
Luke 9:6
Luke 9:18-20
Luke 9:26
Luke 10:1,2
Luke 10:30-37
Luke 10:38-42
Luke 11:2
Luke 11:13
Luke 12:10
Luke 12:15
Luke 12:35-40
Luke 12:42
Luke 13:28
Luke 15:10
Luke 16:19-31
Luke 17:20
Luke 17:21
Luke 17:36
Luke 18:19
Luke 19:40
Luke 20:29
Luke 20:37
Luke 20:42-44
Luke 21:10
Luke 21:11
Luke 22:19
Luke 22:42
Luke 22:69
Luke 23:43
Luke 23:46
Luke 23:53
Luke 23:55, 56
Luke 24:1
Luke 24:39
John 1:2,3
John 1:6
John 1:10
John 1:11
John 1:12
John 1:14
John 1:17
John 1:18
John 1:21
John 1:32-34
John 2:2
John 2:9,10
John 2:15
John 2:19
John 3:2
John 3:3-5
John 3:4
John 3:8
John 3:13
John 3:16
John 3:17
John 3:18
John 3:27
John 3:36
John 3:33
John 3:34
John 4:7-9
John 4:19
John 4:24
John 4:26
John 5:18
John 5:19
John 5:22
John 5:23
John 5:25,26
John 5:28,29
John 5:30 Is God Always Superior to Jesus?; How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT); Romans 6:7 -Does it mean people get a clean record in the coming kingdom? (JWQ&A)
John 5:37 "No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT)
John 5:46,47 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
John 6:7-15 John 6:7-15 Holy Spirit as a "he" (Examining the Trinity)
John 6:27 John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT)
John 6:38
John 6:29
John 6:51
John 6:57
John 6:52-66
John 6:68
John 6:69
John 6:70
John 7:16
John 7:17
John 7:23
John 7:46
John 8:19
John 8:21,23
John 8:24
John 8:28
John 8:32
John 8:42
John 8:44
John 8:48
John 8:56
John 8:57
John 8:58
What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT); John 8:58 "I AM"; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4 (Endnotes) (Examining the Trinity); In Defense of the New World Translation. John 8:58 files (INDNWT); Stafford's "'ANI HU and the LXX of Isaiah" (INDNWT); Sahidic Coptic John 8:58 and Sahidic Coptic Exodus 3:14 (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses); What About...John 8:58? (From God's Word); John 8:58 (Bible Translation and Study; Scroll down to First Scriptural Heading); Miscellaneous Questions about the New World Translation (Jn 8:58) (Bible Translation and Study; Scroll down to Fifth Heading); How do we know that 'I Am' at Ex. 3:14 in KJV is incorrect? (JWQ&A); Jesus' reply had to do with the length of his existence...not his identity (JWQ&A); Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
John 9:16
John 9:29
John 9:31
John 10:17,18
John 10:30
John 10:33
John 10:34
John 10:38
John 11:4
John 11:11-14
John 11:22
John 11:25
John 11:35
John 11:52
John 12:36
John 12:38
John 12:41
John 12:47
John 13:1
John 13:26
John 13:31,32
John 14:1
John 14:2,3
John 14:6
John 14:7-9
John 14:10
John 14:14
John 14:17
John 14:19
John 14:28
John 14:30
John 15:6
John 15:18,19
John 16:7
John 16:12
John 16:21
John 16:33
John 17:1-3
John 17:5
John 17:6
John 17:11
John 17:15
John 17:16
John 17:21,22
John 18:36
John 18:37
John 19:19,20
John 19:23,24
John 19:37
John 19:38-40
John 19:40
John 20:1
John 20:6, 7
John 20:17
John 20:19
John 20:20
John 20:24
John 20:25
If Jesus was nailed to a tree with his hands above his head then why does John 20:25 say nailS? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); Why did Thomas say "My Lord and my God" at John 20:28? (SFBT)
John 20:28
John 20:29
John 20:31
Acts 1:6,7
Acts 1:8
Acts 1:9
Acts 1:11
Acts 1:18
Acts 2:1-4
Acts 2:8
Acts 2:14
Acts 2:17,18
Acts 2:22
Acts 2:25-27
Acts 2:33
Acts 2:34
Acts 2:38
Acts 2:41
Acts 2:42
Acts 3:13
Acts 3:23
Acts 4:10-12
Acts 4:23
Acts 4:24
Acts 5:3,4
Acts 5:27,28
Acts 5:29
Acts 5:30
Acts 5:31
Acts 5:42 Acts 5:42 "from house to house" (INDNWT); Does the method of preaching from house to house have its basis in the Scriptures? (SFBT)
Acts 7:32 "The God of Abraham and ..." - SHARP (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Acts 7:45 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Acts 7:55,56 Scholars' Quotes Concerning Jesus as an Angel (SFBT); How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT); Acts 7:55 (Stephen's vision of God) - THRONE 5; I-AM 3 (Examining the Trinity)
Acts 7:59,60 Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT)
Acts 8:12 What is baptism and is it for infants? (SFBT)
Acts 8:16 Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Acts 8:29 Does Acts 8:29 prove that the Holy Spirit is a person? (SFBT)
Acts 8:30,31 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Acts 8:36-40 Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT)
Acts 9:37
Acts 10:34,35
Acts 10:36
Acts 10:38
Acts 11:26
Acts 12:4
Acts 13:2
Acts 13:34
Acts 13:48
Acts 14:1,2
Acts 15:19-21
Acts 15:28,29
Acts 16:16-18
Acts 16:31-33
Acts 17:11
Acts 17:19,20
Acts 17:26
Acts 17:27,28
Acts 19:2
Acts 19:11
Acts 19:31
Acts 20:20
Acts 20:28
Acts 21:25
Acts 22:20
Acts 24:15
Acts 24:23
Acts 28:25
Rom. 1:8
Rom. 1:20,21
Rom. 2:14,15
Rom. 3:15
Rom. 3:19
Rom. 3:30
Rom. 4:3
Rom. 5:12
Rom. 5:17
Rom. 5:19
Rom. 6:4-6
Rom. 6:7
Rom. 6:10
Rom. 6:23
Rom. 7:2,3
Rom. 7:11
Rom. 8:1
Rom. 8:11
Rom. 8:16
Rom. 8:19,22
Rom. 8:26
Rom. 8:27
Rom. 8:29
Rom. 8:32
Rom. 8:34
Rom. 8:38,39
Rom. 9:5
Rom. 9:6
Rom. 9:17 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Rom. 9:20,21
Rom. 10:1,2
Rom. 10:9,10
Rom. 10:13
Rom. 10:16
Rom. 11:1,2
Rom. 13:1
Rom. 13:12-14
Rom. 14:1
Rom. 14:5,6
Rom. 14:21
Rom. 15:9
Rom. 16:18
Rom. 16:19
1 Corinthians
1 Cor. 1:10
1 Cor. 1:24
1 Cor. 2:7
1 Cor. 2:11-16
1 Cor. 3:8
1 Cor. 4:9
1 Cor. 5:5,6
1 Cor. 5:6
1 Cor. 5:7
1 Cor. 5:8
1 Cor. 5:11
1 Cor. 5:13
1 Cor. 6:9,10
1 Cor. 7:12,13
1 Cor. 7:36
1 Cor. 7:39
1 Cor. 8:4
1 Cor. 8:5,6
1 Cor. 8:8
1 Cor. 8:11,12
1 Cor. 8:13
1 Cor. 9:22
1 Cor. 10:4
1 Cor. 10:5-7
1 Cor. 10:14
1 Cor. 10:21,22
1 Cor. 10:25
1 Cor. 10:26
1 Cor. 10:27
1 Cor. 10:28
1 Cor. 10:29
1 Cor. 10:30
1 Cor. 10:31
1 Cor. 11:3
1 Cor. 11:4-13
1 Cor. 11:4
1 Cor. 11:6
1 Cor. 11:14,15
1 Cor. 11:24,25
1 Cor. 12:4
1 Cor. 12:8
1 Cor. 12:11
1 Cor. 13:2, 8-11
1 Cor. 13:12
1 Cor. 13:4
1 Cor. 13:8-10
1 Cor. 14:1
1 Cor. 14:12-16
1 Cor. 14:33
1 Cor. 14:34,35
1 Cor. 15:2
1 Cor. 15:3-8
1 Cor. 15:20
1 Cor. 15:21,22
1 Cor. 15:23
1 Cor. 15:28
1 Cor. 15:29
1 Cor. 15:41
1 Cor. 15:44
1 Cor. 15:45
1 Cor. 15:50
1 Cor. 15:51
2 Corinthians
2 Cor. 1:3
2 Cor. 2:5-11
2 Cor. 2:11
2 Cor. 3:17
2 Cor. 4:2
2 Cor. 4:4
2 Cor. 4:7
2 Cor. 5:1
2 Cor. 5:7
2 Cor. 5:16
2 Cor. 6:3,4
2 Cor. 6:6
2 Cor. 6:14-17
2 Cor. 6:18
2 Cor. 7:1
2 Cor. 7:8-13
2 Cor. 8:12
2 Cor. 9:7
2 Cor. 11:3-6
2 Cor. 11:13
2 Cor. 11:14
2 Cor. 11:15
2 Cor. 13:8
2 Cor. 13:14
Gal. 1:8,9
Gal. 3:8
Gal. 3:20
Gal. 3:26,27
Gal. 4:4
Gal. 5:6
Gal. 5:19-21
Gal. 5:22,23
Eph. 1:17,18
Eph. 1:3
Eph. 2:8,9
Eph. 4:4,5
Eph. 4:6
Eph. 4:12
Eph. 4:13
Eph. 4:17
Eph. 4:29
Eph. 4:30
Eph. 4:31
Eph. 5:3-5
Eph. 5:5
Eph. 5:10
Eph. 5:18
Phil. 1:21-23
Phil. 2:3
Phil. 2:6
Phil. 2:7
Phil. 2:9
Phil. 2:12
Phil. 3:18,19
Phil. 4:8,9
Col. 1:3
Col. 1:13,14
Col. 1:15
Col. 1:16,17
Col. 1:18
Col. 1:19
Col. 2:9
Col. 2:12
Col. 2:16
Col. 3:5
Col. 3:8
Col. 3:10
1 Thessalonians
1 Thess. 1:9
1 Thess. 2:19
1 Thess. 4:13,14
1 Thess. 4:15
1 Thess. 4:16
1 Thess. 4:17
1 Thess. 5:3
1 Thess. 5:9
1 Thess. 5:17
1 Thess. 5:23
2 Thessalonians
2 Thess. 1:6-8
2 Thess. 1:9
2 Thess. 1:11
2 Thess. 1:12
2 Thess. 2:1-3
2 Thess. 2:8
2 Thess. 2:15
2 Thess. 3:6
2 Thess. 3:11
2 Thess. 3:13-15
1 Timothy
1 Tim. 1:19,20
1 Tim. 2:5,6
1 Tim. 2:9
1 Tim. 2:11-14
1 Tim. 3:1
1 Tim. 3:2,11
1 Tim. 3:8
1 Tim. 3:15
1 Tim. 3:16
1 Tim. 4:1
1 Tim. 4:15
1 Tim. 5:21
1 Tim. 6:15, 16
2 Timothy
2 Tim. 3:1
2 Tim. 3:13-15
2 Tim. 3:16
2 Tim. 4:3,4
Titus 1:12
Titus 1:15
Titus 2:13
Titus 3:6
Titus 3:10,11
Hebrews Chap. 1
Heb. 1:2
Heb. 1:3
Heb. 1:4
Heb. 1:5
Heb. 1:6
Heb. 1:7
Heb. 1:8
Heb. 1:13
Heb. 1:14
Heb. 2:7-9
Heb. 2:9
Heb. 3:4
Heb. 3:18,19
Heb. 4:8
Heb. 5:7
Heb. 5:9
Heb. 6:18
Heb. 7:1-3
Heb. 9:24
Heb. 9:26
Heb. 9:27
Heb. 9:28
Heb. 10:26,27
Heb. 11:1
Heb. 11:4
Heb. 11:28
Heb. 12:1
Heb. 12:9
Heb. 12:11
Heb. 12:23
Heb. 13:4
James 1:14,15
James 2:17
James 2:21-23
James 2:25
James 5:7,8
James 5:16
James 5:20
1 Peter
1 Pet. 1:3
1 Pet. 1:10-12 Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 1:11 1 Peter 1:11 "spirit of Christ." (INDNWT)
1 Pet. 1:12 Are angels interested in the actions of humans? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 1:24,25 What Greek text was used for the NWT? How were the textual variations reconciled? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 2:2 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
1 Pet. 2:3 1 Pet 2:3 (DNWT); 1 Peter 2:3 ("Lord") (INDNWT)
1 Pet. 2:9,10 To Whom Do Peter's Words (1 Peter 2:9,10) Apply? (JW United)
1 Pet. 3:3
1 Pet. 3:6
1 Pet. 3:12
1 Pet. 3:15
1 Pet. 3:18
1 Pet. 3:19,20
1 Pet. 3:22
1 Pet. 4:2
1 Pet. 4:3,4
2 Peter
2 Pet. 1:1
2 Pet. 1:3,4
2 Pet. 1:16
2 Pet. 2:2
2 Pet. 2:4,5
2 Pet. 2:12
2 Pet. 3:4
2 Pet. 3:5,6
2 Pet. 3:7
2 Pet. 3:10
2 Pet. 3:11,12
2 Pet. 3:13
2 Pet. 3:18
1 John
1 John 2:1
1 John 2:17
1 John 2:18,19
1 John 2:22
1 John 2:28
1 John 3:6
1 John 3:15
1 John 3:22
1 John 4:1
1 John 4:3
1 John 4:8
1 John 4:9
1 John 4:12
1 John 5:1
1 John 5:3
1 John 5:5
1 John 5:7
1 John 5:8
1 John 5:14
1 John 5:16
1 John 5:19
1 John 5:20
1 John 5:21
2 John
2 John 1
2 John 7
2 John 10
Jude 5
Jude 6
Jude 9
Jude 25
Rev. 1:1
Rev. 1:4
Rev. 1:5
Rev. 1:6
Rev. 1:7
Rev. 1:8
Rev. 1:9
Rev. 1:10
Rev. 1:13
Rev. 1:16
Rev. 1:17
Rev. 1:20
Rev. 2:1
Rev. 2:5
Rev. 2:10
Rev. 2:14-16
Rev. 2:26
Rev. 2:28
Rev. 3:1
Rev. 3:12
Rev. 3:14
Rev. 4:2 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Rev. 4:5 What is indicated by the expression “the seven spirits”? (JWQ&A) "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Rev. 4:8 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Rev. 5:6
Rev. 5:7
Rev. 5:10
Rev. 5:13
Rev. 5:16
Rev. 6:2
Rev. 6:9
Rev. 6:10
Rev. 7:1
Rev. 7:2-4
Rev. 7:4-8 Is the number 144,000 merely symbolic? (vs.4) (SFBT); Are the 144,000 only natural Jews? (SFBT); "out of " (JWQ&A)
Rev. 7:9
Rev. 7:10
Rev. 8:10,11
Rev. 11:15
Rev. 11:17,18
Rev. 12:7-9
Rev. 12:10
Rev. 12:17
Rev. 13:1
Rev. 14:1
Rev. 14:3,4
Rev. 14:9-12
Rev. 14:14-20
Rev. 16:3
Rev. 16:14-16
Rev. 19:1
Rev. 19:3,4
Rev. 19:6
Rev. 20:1-3
Rev. 20:13,14
Rev. 21:4
Rev. 21:6,7
Rev. 21:8
Rev. 21:12
Rev. 22:1
Rev. 22:8
Rev. 22:13
Rev. 22:14,15
Rev. 22:16
Gen. 1:1
Is the Earth really only 10,000 years old? (SFBT); The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT); Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT); What are The Meanings Of The Words Translated "created" In Genesis 1:1 And "make" in Genesis 1:16? (Y/A; Esp. Bar Enosh's response)
Gen. 1:2 Gen. 1:2 (Why Does the New World Translation Bible Say, "God's Active Force" at Gen. 1:2?) (SFBT); Gen. 1:2 (Ruach) (INDNWT); What is the Holy Spirit? (SFBT); What is the difference in the meaning of "ru´ach" (spirit) in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 in the Bible?; The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT)
Gen. 1:3 The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT)
Gen. 1:5 Is Gen. 1:5 talking about a literal morning and a literal evening of a literal day? (JWQ&A)
Gen. 1:6-8 From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:9-13 Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:11-13 Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (SFBT); Is the Earth really only 10,000 years old? (SFBT); Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:16,17 God made the stars on day #4? (Yahoo Answers; Elijah's Best Answer); How could God produce light on the first day if the luminaries were not made until the fourth day? (SFBT); What are The Meanings Of The Words Translated "created" In Genesis 1:1 And "make" in Genesis 1:16? (Y/A; Esp. Bar Enosh's response); Why does the Bible refer to light from the moon when the moon only REFLECTS light? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 1:20-25 Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (SFBT); Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT); Animals souls? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:26 Gen. 1:26 - "Let Us Make Man in Our Image" (SFBT); This scripture prove Trinity? (SFBT); Image (Examining the Trinity); How is Man Made in God's Image? (Gen. 1:26) (SFBT); ("Let us make man in our image") - ELOHIM 3-6; I-AM 5; (Examining the Trinity); Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:27 "In the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"- ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:28 "in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"- ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity); What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT); What is the purpose of life? (SFBT); If true Christians will live on Paradise Earth forever, won't over-population become a problem? (SFBT); Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:30 Did animals eat meat before the statement at Gen. 1:30? Will all animals will be vegetarian in the new world? How can we account for meat-eating animals apparently at creation being equipped as meat eaters? (JWQ&A)
Gen. 2:2 Gen. 2:2 - How and Why Did God Rest on “the Seventh Day"? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:4 Does Genesis 2:4 show day can cover time in creating heaven and earth? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:5,6 Does Gen. 2:5,6 Indicate That it Never Rained Before the Flood? (SFBT); Why did God call "their name Adam"? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:7 Soul immortal? (SFBT); Animals souls? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Are humans made of dirt? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 2:8 Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:10-14 Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:15 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:17 What did the tree of the knowledge of good and bad represent? (SFBT); Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:19 Is Genesis 2:19 Really Saying That God “Was Forming” Animals AFTER He Already Created Adam? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:23,24 Gen. 2:23,24 - Quotation Confusion - How could the biblical Adam speak of mothers and fathers if he never had one? (SFBT) Why wedding anniversaries acceptable but not birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:1-6 How Could the Snake in the Garden of Eden Talk When Snakes Don't Have Vocal Cords? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:4 Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:5 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:6 What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:7 Fig Leaves in Genesis (Jimspace)
Gen. 3:21 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:22 To whom was Jehovah referring as “one of us” at Genesis 3:22? (w03 10/15 p. 27; WOL) Didn't Adam and Eve Already Have to Know What Was Bad in Order to Eat From the Tree and Disobey God? (SFBT) Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:23 Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:2-4 Who was Abel? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:4 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:16,17 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:19-22 Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); How did early Christians and Jews of Bible times view birthday celebrations? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:1,2 "made him in the likeness of God... created them male & female" - ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 5:4 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:24 Who were the Genesis 5:24 - What Does it Mean That "God Took Him"? Did Enoch Really Go To Heaven?? (SFBT); Did Enoch see God? (Y/A Bar_Anerges Best Answer)
Gen. 5:27 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:30,31 Lamech lived 777 years (SFBT)
Gen. 6:1-4 Who were the Nephilim? (SFBT); Were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2 angels, and if so, how could they produce offspring (Nephilim) in the time of Noah? (SFBT); Who were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2? (vs. 2) (SFBT) Jehovah's Witnesses-What is your viewpoint on Gen 6:1-5?
Gen. 6:6 Genesis 6:6 "regret" or "repent"? (JWitness Forum)
Gen. 6:17 From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 7:11 From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 7:15 Gen. 7:15 - "force of life was active" (DNWT)
Gen. 8:21 Gen. 8:21 - "Jehovah began to smell a restful odor" (DNWT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Gen. 9:3,4 Did Humans Eat Meat Before The Flood? (SFBT); Should Christians eat red meat since it may contain a trace of blood? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Are JWs correct for refusing blood? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT); Why do JWs abstain from blood? (SFBT); Could a Christian Have Any Grounds to Ignore The Prohibition on Blood? (SFBT); Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 9:5, 6 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Life is sacred (SFBT); Seriousness (SFBT); God's principle apply to human blood? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Gen. 9:20-27 Genesis 9:20-27 - How is This Account of Canaan, Ham and Noah to be Understood? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:5 Does Genesis 10:5 really suggest that various tongues (languages) already existed BEFORE the confusion of tongues at Babel (Genesis 11:1)? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:9 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:25 According to the Bible, when was the city (and tower) of Ba'bel built? (SFBT)
Gen. 11:1 Does Genesis 10:5 really suggest that various tongues (languages) already existed BEFORE the confusion of tongues at Babel (Genesis 11:1)? (SFBT)What Language did Adam and Eve Speak? (SFBT)
Gen. 11:6 Where Do the Different Races Come From? (SFBT)
Gen. 16:7 What is an angel?; Scholars' Quotes Concerning Jesus as an Angel (SFBT)
Gen. 16:12 Gen. 16:12 - "he will become a zebra of a man" (DNWT)
Gen. 17:1 Jehovah - Importance of name; Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Gen. 17:4 Gen. 17:4 - "you will certainly become father of a crowd of nations" (DNWT)
Gen. 18 Three Angels Speak to Abraham - IMAGE 5-6, (and f.n.#7); SF 2-3 (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 18:25 "'Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?' (Gen. 18:25)" (JWQ&A)
Gen. 19:24 Are There Really Two Members of Trinity Mentioned at Genesis 19:24? (SFBT); Gen. 19:24 ("Jehovah rained down fire ... from Jehovah") (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 20:13 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 21:9 Gen. 21:9 - "Sarah kept noticing the son of Hagar...poking fun" (DNWT)
Gen. 24:2 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Gen. 32:3 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Gen. 32:17 Why was NWT printed? (SFBT)
Gen. 34:31 Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Gen. 35:2-4 Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Gen. 35:7 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 35:18 How can a soul "leave" someone (Gen 35:18; 1Kings 17:21)? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 40:18-22 Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT); What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 41:13 Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT); What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 48:13-20 How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT)
Ex. 3:14 Why it is Highly Probable That the Hebrew Word 'Ehyeh' is Mistranslated as "I AM" at Exodus 3:14 (SFBT); What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT); "I AM WHO I AM" - I-AM (Examining the Trinity); How do we know that 'I Am' at Ex. 3:14 in KJV is incorrect? (JWQ&A); John 8:58 (Bible Translation and Study; Scroll down to First Scriptural Heading); Sahidic Coptic John 8:58 and Sahidic Coptic Exodus 3:14 (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses); What About Trinity "Proof Texts"? (5th heading down) (WBTS); Stafford's "'ANI HU and the LXX of Isaiah" (INDNWT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT); How should "ehyah asher ehyeh" properly be rendered? (jwitness forum)
Ex. 3:15 How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT); What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 4:16 God calling Moses "a god" (SFBT)
Ex. 6:2 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 7:1 Exodus 7:1 - "a god" or "God"?(Reasoning From Scripture); Moses is "a god" - DEF 4, 5-6; MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 1 (Examining the Trinity); Aaron is prophet = spokesman (SFBT); God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 12:1-11 Literal lamb, "Jehovah's passover" (SFBT)
Ex. 14:19,20 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Ex. 15:2 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ex. 15:11 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 17:9 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Ex. 20:1-5 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); (vs. 4) Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Should Idols / Icons be used in worship? (vs. 4,5) (SFBT)
Ex. 20:7 What does it mean to take God's name "in vain"? (Ex. 20:7) (SFBT); Accuracy of NWT? (SFBT); How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Christians and the Name (WBTS)
Ex. 20:13 Why does the KJV say in Exodus 20:13 "thou shalt not kill", but in the NWT it says "you must not murder"? (JWQ&A); Don't murder (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:2 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:6 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:22,23 Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT); Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (vs.23) (SFBT); How Jesus saves (SFBT); Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:14, 22-25 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT); Life is sacred (SFBT); Injury to unborn child (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Ex. 22:8,9 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 22:22 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 23:1 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ex. 23:13 JWs celebrate anything? (SFBT); Why don't JWs celebrate birthdays? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Easter have pagan associations? (SFBT); Should Christians celebrate birthdays?
Ex. 23:19 Why did the Law forbid boiling a kid in its mother's milk? (JWQ&A)
Ex. 32:1-6 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Ex. 34:13 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
Lev. 1:3 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 1:10 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 3:1 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 7:26,27 Eat red meat? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Lev. 16:29-31 Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Lev. 17:10-14 God's principle apply to human blood? (SFBT); Eat red meat? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT); Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Lev. 18:6-18 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Lev. 19:27 Jehovah's Witnesses - Are Wearing Beards Discouraged? (Defending Jehovah's Witnesses)
Lev. 19:28 Are tattoos for Christians today? (SFBT)
Lev. 19:29 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Lev. 23:21 Translation and revision of Lev 23:21 proves that the New World Translation Bible translators DID know Hebrew (SFBT)
Lev. 23:27 Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Lev. 24:17,18 Animals souls? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:10 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:39 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:47-49 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 26:29 What does this scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Lev. 26:30 Hebrew "gullilum" - "dungy idols"-New World Translation (INDNWT)
Num. 11:17 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Num. 11:25 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Num. 12:8 "No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT)
Num. 20:8 Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT)
Num. 20:9-11 Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT)
Deut. 1:38 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Deut. 3:21 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Deut. 6:4 "The LORD our God is one LORD" - ECHAD (Examining the Trinity); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT)
Deut. 6:5 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Deut. 6:6 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 9:21 Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 10:13 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 11:8 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 11:13 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 12:3,4 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:16 Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:23-25 Eat red meat?; Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:29,30 Do not do for God as pagans do for gods - HIST 20 (Examining the Trinity)
Deut. 12:30-32 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Deut. 14:7 Does the Bible say rabits chew the cud? (jwitness forum)
Deut. 14:18-20 Does the Bible really say that bats are birds? (jwitness forum)
Deut. 15:12-15 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Deut. 15:23 Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 17:1 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations?; Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:9-12 New Year's (SFBT)
Deut. 18:10 Waterwitching and other paranormal powers (SFBT); Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT); Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:11 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:12 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:19-22
Gen. 1:2 Gen. 1:2 (Why Does the New World Translation Bible Say, "God's Active Force" at Gen. 1:2?) (SFBT); Gen. 1:2 (Ruach) (INDNWT); What is the Holy Spirit? (SFBT); What is the difference in the meaning of "ru´ach" (spirit) in Genesis chapter 1 and 2 in the Bible?; The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT)
Gen. 1:3 The "Impossible" Universe (SFBT)
Gen. 1:5 Is Gen. 1:5 talking about a literal morning and a literal evening of a literal day? (JWQ&A)
Gen. 1:6-8 From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:9-13 Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:11-13 Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (SFBT); Is the Earth really only 10,000 years old? (SFBT); Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:16,17 God made the stars on day #4? (Yahoo Answers; Elijah's Best Answer); How could God produce light on the first day if the luminaries were not made until the fourth day? (SFBT); What are The Meanings Of The Words Translated "created" In Genesis 1:1 And "make" in Genesis 1:16? (Y/A; Esp. Bar Enosh's response); Why does the Bible refer to light from the moon when the moon only REFLECTS light? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 1:20-25 Does Science Contradict the Genesis Account? (SFBT); Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT); Animals souls? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:26 Gen. 1:26 - "Let Us Make Man in Our Image" (SFBT); This scripture prove Trinity? (SFBT); Image (Examining the Trinity); How is Man Made in God's Image? (Gen. 1:26) (SFBT); ("Let us make man in our image") - ELOHIM 3-6; I-AM 5; (Examining the Trinity); Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:27 "In the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"- ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:28 "in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them"- ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity); What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT); What is the purpose of life? (SFBT); If true Christians will live on Paradise Earth forever, won't over-population become a problem? (SFBT); Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 1:30 Did animals eat meat before the statement at Gen. 1:30? Will all animals will be vegetarian in the new world? How can we account for meat-eating animals apparently at creation being equipped as meat eaters? (JWQ&A)
Gen. 2:2 Gen. 2:2 - How and Why Did God Rest on “the Seventh Day"? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:4 Does Genesis 2:4 show day can cover time in creating heaven and earth? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); Were the creative "days" in Genesis literal 24 hour periods? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:5,6 Does Gen. 2:5,6 Indicate That it Never Rained Before the Flood? (SFBT); Why did God call "their name Adam"? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:7 Soul immortal? (SFBT); Animals souls? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Are humans made of dirt? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 2:8 Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:10-14 Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:15 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:17 What did the tree of the knowledge of good and bad represent? (SFBT); Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:19 Is Genesis 2:19 Really Saying That God “Was Forming” Animals AFTER He Already Created Adam? (SFBT)
Gen. 2:23,24 Gen. 2:23,24 - Quotation Confusion - How could the biblical Adam speak of mothers and fathers if he never had one? (SFBT) Why wedding anniversaries acceptable but not birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:1-6 How Could the Snake in the Garden of Eden Talk When Snakes Don't Have Vocal Cords? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:4 Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:5 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:6 What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:7 Fig Leaves in Genesis (Jimspace)
Gen. 3:21 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:22 To whom was Jehovah referring as “one of us” at Genesis 3:22? (w03 10/15 p. 27; WOL) Didn't Adam and Eve Already Have to Know What Was Bad in Order to Eat From the Tree and Disobey God? (SFBT) Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 3:23 Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:2-4 Who was Abel? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:4 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:16,17 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 4:19-22 Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); How did early Christians and Jews of Bible times view birthday celebrations? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:1,2 "made him in the likeness of God... created them male & female" - ELOHIM (f.n. #1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 5:4 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:24 Who were the Genesis 5:24 - What Does it Mean That "God Took Him"? Did Enoch Really Go To Heaven?? (SFBT); Did Enoch see God? (Y/A Bar_Anerges Best Answer)
Gen. 5:27 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Gen. 5:30,31 Lamech lived 777 years (SFBT)
Gen. 6:1-4 Who were the Nephilim? (SFBT); Were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2 angels, and if so, how could they produce offspring (Nephilim) in the time of Noah? (SFBT); Who were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2? (vs. 2) (SFBT) Jehovah's Witnesses-What is your viewpoint on Gen 6:1-5?
Gen. 6:6 Genesis 6:6 "regret" or "repent"? (JWitness Forum)
Gen. 6:17 From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 7:11 From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT)
Gen. 7:15 Gen. 7:15 - "force of life was active" (DNWT)
Gen. 8:21 Gen. 8:21 - "Jehovah began to smell a restful odor" (DNWT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Gen. 9:3,4 Did Humans Eat Meat Before The Flood? (SFBT); Should Christians eat red meat since it may contain a trace of blood? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Are JWs correct for refusing blood? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT); Why do JWs abstain from blood? (SFBT); Could a Christian Have Any Grounds to Ignore The Prohibition on Blood? (SFBT); Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 9:5, 6 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Life is sacred (SFBT); Seriousness (SFBT); God's principle apply to human blood? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Gen. 9:20-27 Genesis 9:20-27 - How is This Account of Canaan, Ham and Noah to be Understood? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:5 Does Genesis 10:5 really suggest that various tongues (languages) already existed BEFORE the confusion of tongues at Babel (Genesis 11:1)? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:9 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Gen. 10:25 According to the Bible, when was the city (and tower) of Ba'bel built? (SFBT)
Gen. 11:1 Does Genesis 10:5 really suggest that various tongues (languages) already existed BEFORE the confusion of tongues at Babel (Genesis 11:1)? (SFBT)What Language did Adam and Eve Speak? (SFBT)
Gen. 11:6 Where Do the Different Races Come From? (SFBT)
Gen. 16:7 What is an angel?; Scholars' Quotes Concerning Jesus as an Angel (SFBT)
Gen. 16:12 Gen. 16:12 - "he will become a zebra of a man" (DNWT)
Gen. 17:1 Jehovah - Importance of name; Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Gen. 17:4 Gen. 17:4 - "you will certainly become father of a crowd of nations" (DNWT)
Gen. 18 Three Angels Speak to Abraham - IMAGE 5-6, (and f.n.#7); SF 2-3 (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 18:25 "'Is the Judge of all the earth not going to do what is right?' (Gen. 18:25)" (JWQ&A)
Gen. 19:24 Are There Really Two Members of Trinity Mentioned at Genesis 19:24? (SFBT); Gen. 19:24 ("Jehovah rained down fire ... from Jehovah") (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 20:13 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 21:9 Gen. 21:9 - "Sarah kept noticing the son of Hagar...poking fun" (DNWT)
Gen. 24:2 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Gen. 32:3 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Gen. 32:17 Why was NWT printed? (SFBT)
Gen. 34:31 Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Gen. 35:2-4 Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Gen. 35:7 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Gen. 35:18 How can a soul "leave" someone (Gen 35:18; 1Kings 17:21)? (jwitness forum)
Gen. 40:18-22 Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT); What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 41:13 Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT); What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Gen. 48:13-20 How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT)
Ex. 3:14 Why it is Highly Probable That the Hebrew Word 'Ehyeh' is Mistranslated as "I AM" at Exodus 3:14 (SFBT); What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT); "I AM WHO I AM" - I-AM (Examining the Trinity); How do we know that 'I Am' at Ex. 3:14 in KJV is incorrect? (JWQ&A); John 8:58 (Bible Translation and Study; Scroll down to First Scriptural Heading); Sahidic Coptic John 8:58 and Sahidic Coptic Exodus 3:14 (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses); What About Trinity "Proof Texts"? (5th heading down) (WBTS); Stafford's "'ANI HU and the LXX of Isaiah" (INDNWT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT); How should "ehyah asher ehyeh" properly be rendered? (jwitness forum)
Ex. 3:15 How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT); What did Jesus actually say at John 8:58? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 4:16 God calling Moses "a god" (SFBT)
Ex. 6:2 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 7:1 Exodus 7:1 - "a god" or "God"?(Reasoning From Scripture); Moses is "a god" - DEF 4, 5-6; MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 1 (Examining the Trinity); Aaron is prophet = spokesman (SFBT); God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 12:1-11 Literal lamb, "Jehovah's passover" (SFBT)
Ex. 14:19,20 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Ex. 15:2 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ex. 15:11 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 17:9 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Ex. 20:1-5 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); (vs. 4) Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Should Idols / Icons be used in worship? (vs. 4,5) (SFBT)
Ex. 20:7 What does it mean to take God's name "in vain"? (Ex. 20:7) (SFBT); Accuracy of NWT? (SFBT); How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Christians and the Name (WBTS)
Ex. 20:13 Why does the KJV say in Exodus 20:13 "thou shalt not kill", but in the NWT it says "you must not murder"? (JWQ&A); Don't murder (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:2 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:6 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:22,23 Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT); Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (vs.23) (SFBT); How Jesus saves (SFBT); Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT)
Ex. 21:14, 22-25 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT); Life is sacred (SFBT); Injury to unborn child (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Ex. 22:8,9 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ex. 22:22 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Ex. 23:1 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ex. 23:13 JWs celebrate anything? (SFBT); Why don't JWs celebrate birthdays? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Easter have pagan associations? (SFBT); Should Christians celebrate birthdays?
Ex. 23:19 Why did the Law forbid boiling a kid in its mother's milk? (JWQ&A)
Ex. 32:1-6 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Ex. 34:13 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
Lev. 1:3 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 1:10 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 3:1 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Lev. 7:26,27 Eat red meat? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT)
Lev. 16:29-31 Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Lev. 17:10-14 God's principle apply to human blood? (SFBT); Eat red meat? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT); Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Lev. 18:6-18 Cain get wife? (SFBT)
Lev. 19:27 Jehovah's Witnesses - Are Wearing Beards Discouraged? (Defending Jehovah's Witnesses)
Lev. 19:28 Are tattoos for Christians today? (SFBT)
Lev. 19:29 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Lev. 23:21 Translation and revision of Lev 23:21 proves that the New World Translation Bible translators DID know Hebrew (SFBT)
Lev. 23:27 Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Lev. 24:17,18 Animals souls? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:10 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:39 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 25:47-49 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Lev. 26:29 What does this scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Lev. 26:30 Hebrew "gullilum" - "dungy idols"-New World Translation (INDNWT)
Num. 11:17 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Num. 11:25 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Num. 12:8 "No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT)
Num. 20:8 Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT)
Num. 20:9-11 Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT)
Deut. 1:38 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Deut. 3:21 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Deut. 6:4 "The LORD our God is one LORD" - ECHAD (Examining the Trinity); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT)
Deut. 6:5 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Deut. 6:6 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 9:21 Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 10:13 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 11:8 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 11:13 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 12:3,4 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:16 Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:23-25 Eat red meat?; Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 12:29,30 Do not do for God as pagans do for gods - HIST 20 (Examining the Trinity)
Deut. 12:30-32 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Deut. 14:7 Does the Bible say rabits chew the cud? (jwitness forum)
Deut. 14:18-20 Does the Bible really say that bats are birds? (jwitness forum)
Deut. 15:12-15 Is slavery approved by God? (SFBT)
Deut. 15:23 Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
Deut. 17:1 Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if a holiday has pagan associations?; Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:9-12 New Year's (SFBT)
Deut. 18:10 Waterwitching and other paranormal powers (SFBT); Moses - the first dowser? (SFBT); Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:11 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:12 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
Deut. 18:19-22
'False Prophet Claim' (SFBT)
Deut. 19:9 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 22:5 Deut. 22:5 - What is The PRINCIPLE of this Law About not Wearing Clothing of the Opposite Sex? (SFBT); Do you understand the meaning of Deuteronomy 22:5 (About not wearing clothing of the opposite sex)? (Yahoo Answers, Best Answer); Does this Scripture mean that women should never wear men's pants? What does this Scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Deut. 22:23-29 Examining Deuteronomy 22:23- 27: Counsel on What One Should do When Threatened With Rape (SFBT); What was the punishment for rape according to the Mosaic Law? (Yahoo Answers, Best Answer); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 23:13,14 Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 27:4 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 27:19 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 31:2 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 32:5 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 32:6 Jehovah is Father - BWF (#10); KNOW 4; I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity)
Deut. 33:2 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Deut. Chapter 34 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Deut. 34:10 Since "No Man Has Seen God at Any Time", Then How Was it That Moses Knew God "Face to Face"? (Deut. 34:10) (SFBT)
Joshua 1:7 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Joshua 1:12 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Judges 2:7 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Judges 2:16 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 3:4 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Judges 3:10 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Judges 6:14 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 6:25 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
Judges 6:31 "He is a god" - Septuagint - QUAL 11; DEF (f.n.#18); SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
Judges 6:34 Is the Holy Spirit really God?; Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Judges 6:37 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 14:3 NWT - Judges 14:3 `Her get for me....'." (DNWT)
Ruth 2:4 Jehovah - Importance of name; "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Samuel
1 Sam. 2:3 What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 10:6 Is the Holy Spirit really God?; Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 11:6 Is the Holy Spirit really God?; Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 14:31-34 Could God's Moral Principle on Blood be Set Aside in Times of Emergency? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 15:17-23 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 20:12 Said unto David, "O LORD God of Israel" - MY GOD 3-4 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Sam. 28:13 Spirit medium sees "a god" - DEF 5, 6 (Examining the Trinity)
2 Samuel
2 Sam.7:2-7 Build a house for the ark (SFBT)
2 Sam. 7:23 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
2 Sam. 24:1-3 Why did Jehovah's anger blaze against David for taking a census of Israel? (SFBT)
1 Kings
1 Kings 1:21 "My Lord" - MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 1:31 Bathsheba "worships" King David - WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 16:33 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
1 Kings 16:34 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
1 Kings 17:21 How can a soul "leave" someone (Gen 35:18; 1Kings 17:21)? (jwitness forum)
1 Kings 18:24 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:26 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:27 "He is a god" - DEF 15, (f.n.#18); QUAL 11; SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 18:36-8 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:39 Gods or only one God? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
2 Kings
2 Kings 2:1-12 Is 2 Kings 2:11 Really Proof That Faithful Ones Who Died Before Jesus Went to Heaven? Did Elijah Really Ascend to Heaven? (SFBT); "What is meant at 2 Kings 2:11, 12 where the prophet Elijah is described as "ascending in the windstorm to the heavens"?" (JWQ&A; #4 in listing)
2 Kings 2:23,24 Elisha and the bear (jwitness forum)
2 Kings 18:6 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
2 Kings 19:19 True God (SFBT)
2 Kings 20:1-6 Isaiah's timeline prophecy (SFBT)
2 Kings 21:7 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
2 Kings 22:2 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
2 Kings 23:5 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT); Does the Bible speak about stars and planets? (jwitness forum)
2 Kings 23:6 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
2 Kings 23:10 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
3 Kings
3 Kings 1:21 Septuagint: "My Lord" - MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
3 King 1:31 Septuagint: Bathsheba "worships" King David) - WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
3 Kings 18:27 Septuagint: "He is a god" - DEF 15, (f.n.#18); QUAL 11; SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
1 Chronicles
1 Chron. 11:18,19 Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
1 Chron. 16:8 How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Chron. 29:20 Worship to Jehovah and King David - WORSHIP 4; THRONE 2; HS 14 (Examining the Trinity)
2 Chronicles
2 Chron. 16:9 Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Ezra 6:12 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Neh. 8:17 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Esther(Book of) Is God's Name in the Book of Esther? Should the Book of Esther be a Part of the Hebrew Bible? (SFBT)
Job 1:4 Does Job 1:4 indicate that Job’s children celebrated their birthdays? (SFBT)
Job 1:6 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Job 1:8 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Job 2:1 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Job 6:6 Job 6:6 - "Marshmallow" (INDNWT)
Job 14:13 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Job 15:31 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Job 18:13 "Firstborn of Death" - BWF 11,12-13 (Examining the Trinity)
Job 24:24 Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Job 26:7 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT)
Job 33:4 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Human life has divine origin (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Job 38:1 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Job 38:12,13 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Job 38:4-7 Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); What is an angel? (vs. 7) (SFBT); Jesus - "The Bright Morning Star" (vs. 7) (SFBT)
Job 40:17 At Job 40:17, is the "Behemoth" a Dinosaur or a Hippopotamus? (SFBT)
Job 42:5 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Ps. 1:2 Ps. 1:2 (hagah) (DNWT)
Ps. 5:11 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Ps. 8:5,6 God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); Angels called "gods" - DEF 4 (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 9:17 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Ps. 9:18 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Ps. 13:3 Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT); Reincarnation true? (SFBT)
Ps. 19:1 Big Bang Theory; Creation (SFBT); The "impossible" universe (SFBT)
Ps. 19:9-11 How important to abstain? (SFBT); Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (vs. 9) (SFBT)
Ps. 22:1 Why, while hanging on the stake, did Jesus Christ cry out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (SFBT)
Ps. 25:4,5 Blood as Medicine And The Role of Your Conscience (SFBT)
Ps. 31:6 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 34:8 1 Pet 2:3 (DNWT); 1 Peter 2:3 ("Lord") (INDNWT)
Ps. 35:13 Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Ps. 36:9 How should the Source of human life affect our view of abortion? (SFBT)
Ps. 37:11 What future hope for JWs? (SFBT); If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Ps. 37:29 Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you take Psalms 37:29 and Psalms 104:5 to mean that the earth will last forever? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Ps. 45:6 "Your throne, O God" - HEB (Examining the Trinity); Psalms 45:6(NIV)"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom." (Yahoo Answers); God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 46 ("Shake" - "spear") - THEOMATICS (end note) (SFBT)
Ps. 58:11 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 65:2 What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Ps. 68:4 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 68:18 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 74:7 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Ps. 74:13 Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT)
Ps. 76:6 Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT)
Ps. 80:1 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Ps. 82:1 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 82:6 How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 83:16,17 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 83:18 Is God the Father? (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Why isn't H.S. given equal description in the Bible? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Does the Holy Spirit have a personal name? (SFBT); Holy Spirit nameless (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Ps. 86:8 Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Ps. 86:10 True God (SFBT)
Ps. 89:27 Why does Jehovah refer to “David my servant” as firstborn, when David was not a firstborn son? (it-1 pp. 835-836 Firstborn, Firstling)
Ps. 90:2 Ps. 90:2 (Yalad) (INDNWT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Bowman's example of an `absolute' I Am) - I-AM (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 90:10 What motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)
Ps. 90:12 What does this Scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Ps. 96:5 Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Ps. 97:7 God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 99:1 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT)
Ps. 100:3-5 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Human life has divine origin (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Ps. 104:5 Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you take Psalms 37:29 and Psalms 104:5 to mean that the earth will last forever? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ps. 104:15 How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View the Consumption of Alcohol? (SFBT)
Ps. 107:8, 15, 21, 31 "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Ps. 110:1 THRONE 2; KNOW 2,3,4; I-AM 2,7,16; MINOR 7 (Examining the Trinity); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT)
Ps. 111:10 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Ps. 115:16 What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Ps. 118:23 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 119:34 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Ps. 119:111 What is a "Principle" and why is it important? (SFBT)
Ps. 119:118 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 119:144 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Ps. 135:13 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 137:9 Does God delight in killing babies? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 138:1 How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 139:13-16 Yatsar (Predestination) Ps. 139: 15,16 (SFBT); Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT); God sees unborn child (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT); Why did God give men nipples? Or is this evidence against Creation? (vs. 14) (SFBT)
Ps. 141:3 What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 146:3 Does Psalms 146:3 mean that Christians should trust no one? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 146:4 God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Reincarnation true? (SFBT); Dead experience pain? (SFBT); Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT)
Ps. 148:7 Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT)
Prov. 2:3 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 2:4,5 Genesis believable? (SFBT); Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 4:18 "New Light" - Should Opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses Really be Taken Seriously When They Can't Even Use the Correct Phrase? (SFBT); 'False Prophet' Claim and Jerusalem 607 B.C.E. (SFBT); WBTS ever claimed infallibility? (SFBT); Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Prov. 8:13 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 8:22-31 Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Is Proverbs 8:22-31 talking about Wisdom personified instead of Jesus? Why is Wisdom referred to in the feminine gender? (SFBT); What Does the Hebrew Word 'Qanah' Mean at Prov. 8:22? (SFBT); Scores of trinitarian bibles have decided to render the word 'qanah' as "create". (JWQ&A); Prov. 8:22-30 "Wisdom" and Christ (Examining the Trinity); Prov. 8:22-30 (Wisdom = Jesus) - BWF 1,5-9; QUAL 6; CREEDS 10, 12, 15 (bis), 16 (Examining the Trinity)
Prov. 8:30,31 Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Does Gen 1:26 prove Trinity? (SFBT); How man made in God's image? (SFBT); Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT)
Prov. 9:10 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 11:16 Why does Prov. 11:16 in the NWT differ from some other translations? (DNWT)
Prov. 12:10 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Prov. 14:25 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Prov. 16:6 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 18:1 Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Prov. 20:18 What does it mean when this scripture says "with good advise make war"? (JWQ&A); What does it mean when this scripture says "with good advise make war" (Part 2)? (JWQ&A)
Prov. 26:18,19 How Should a Christian View April Fools' Day? (SFBT)
Prov. 28:26 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Prov. 31:10 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov 31:28,29 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 31:30 Cosmetic surgery (SFBT); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Eccl. 2:24 Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Eccl. 3:4 What should a Christian's view be toward dancing? (SFBT)
Eccl. 3:11 Would it be boring to live forever? (SFBT); Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals?
Eccl. 4:9,10 Why JWs preach in twos? (SFBT)
Eccl. 7:2 What does this Scriptue mean? (JWQ&A)
Eccl. 9:5 God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Reincarnation true? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Dead experience pain? (SFBT); Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT); What are some practical suggestions for those who have lost a loved one in death? (SFBT)
Eccl. 9:6 What happens after death? (SFBT)
Eccl. 9:10 Hell (SFBT); Dead experience pain? (SFBT)
Eccl. 12:13 What is the purpose of life? (SFBT); What motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)
Isa. 1:1 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:1,2 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:3 "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Isa. 6:6,7 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:8 Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:11,12 Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT)
Isa. 7:14 Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Should Jesus really be considered to be God because he was symbolically “named” Immanuel (Isa. 7:14; Mt. 1:23) which means “God is with us”? (SFBT)
Isa. 9:6 Isa. 9:6 "Mighty God, Eternal Father" (Examining the Trinity); Isa. 9:6 - NWT (DNWT); NAME - “Jesus,” “Immanuel,” and Is. 9:6 (Examining the Trinity); BOWGOD (God and gods) (Examining the Trinity); Does Isa. 9:6 prove that Jesus is God? (SFBT); Why is Jesus called "Mighty God" at Isa. 9:6? (SFBT); One God in Three? (Pastor Russell; Heading: "No Trinity in the “Old Testament”'); How does the Codex Sinaiticus render Is. 9:6? (JWQ&A); How is translated Isaiah 9:6 in old Aramaic Targums? (JWQ&A)
Isa. 10:1,2 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:2 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:6-9 Isaiah 11:7 and Isaiah 65:25 - How Will the Lion "Eat Straw Like a Bull"? (SFBT) Vegetarian Lioness: Little Tyke ( Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:12 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Isa. 12:2 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 12:4 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 14:8 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 14:12 Is 'Lucifer' a Name For Satan the Devil? (SFBT); Who is Satan the Devil? (SFBT); Is Satan Lucifer? (Jimspace)
Isa. 24:4 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 24:7 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 24:23 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 25:6 Is it Scripturally Acceptable for a Christian to Eat Animal Bone Marrow? Bone Marrow Transplants? (SFBT)
Isa. 26:4 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 26:14 What happens after death? (SFBT)
Isa. 27:1 Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT)
Isa. 33:24 God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
Isa. 34:9,10 Does Revelation 14:10, 11 prove the existence of a fiery Hell? (SFBT)
Isa. 34:16 Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT)
Isa. 35:1-4 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 35:5,6 Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT); Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 37:16 True God (SFBT)
Isa. 40:22 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Isa. 40:26 Big Bang Theory (SFBT)
Isa. 41:10 Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Isa. 42:8 Heb. 1:3 / Isa. 42:8 Does Jesus really share Jehovah's Glory? (Examining the Trinity)
Isa. 43:10-12 What Does it Mean to be a Witness of Jehovah? (SFBT); "What Have Jehovah's Witnesses Witnessed?" - How Did Jehovah's Witnesses Get Their Name? (SFBT); How old is JW religion? (SFBT); JWs an American religion? (SFBT)
Isa. 43:11 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT); Title Confusion Trick "Saviour" (Examining the Trinity); How many saviors at Isaiah 43:11? (jwitness forum); A short exchange on "savior" and Isaiah 43:11 (INDNWT)
Isa. 44:6 Isa. 44:6 "pronoun confusion trick" (Examining the Trinity); Isa. 44:6 / Rev. 1:17 "First and the Last" (SFBT)
Isa. 44:24 Isaiah 44:24 - What is meant when God said, "I ALONE stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth"? (GNT) (SFBT)
Isa. 45:14 Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Isa. 45:18 What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Isa. 46:11 Only instance 'yatsar' is interpreted as "purposed" (SFBT)
Isa. 48:16 Isa. 48:16; Trinitarian "speaker confusion" trick (SFBT)
Isa. 52:11 Singing Christmas Carols? (SFBT)
Isa. 53:1 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Isa. 53:10 I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity)
Isa. 55:6,7 What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Isa. 55:8,9 Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
Isa. 58:1 Is. 58:1 - "Call out full-throated; do not hold back" (DNWT)
Isa. 61:1 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Isa. 63:9 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Isa. 63:16 Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Isa. 64:8 Jehovah is Father - KNOW 4 (Examining the Trinity); I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God?
Isa. 65:25 Isaiah 11:7 and Isaiah 65:25 - How Will the Lion "Eat Straw Like a Bull"? (SFBT) What does Isaiah 65:25 mean when it says that "the lion will eat straw just like the bull"? (JWQ&A)
Jer. 1:5 Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT)
Jer. 7:1-4 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:5 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:8-10 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:13-15 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:30,31 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 9:6 Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 10:10 Jer. 10:10 " in truth God." (INDNWT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Jer. 10:23 Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 10:25 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 16:19 Trinitarian reasoning - water and blood persons too? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name?; "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Jer. 16:21 Jehovah - Importance of name? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Jer. 17:4 How long will God be angry? (jwitness forum)
Jer. 17:9 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 19:5 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 20:7 How did Jehovah fool Jeremiah and what lesson can we draw from this? (Y/A)
Jer. 23:6 "Jehovah Is Our Righteousness" - NAME 4 (Examining the Trinity); Why is Jesus called Mighty God? (SFBT)
Jer. 23:27 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 25:8-11 Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Jer. 25:17,18 Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Jer. 33:16 Why is Jesus called Mighty God? (SFBT)
Ezek. 1:1 Wedding rings and calendars? (SFBT)
Ezek. 3:17-21 What is Ezek. 3:17-21 saying? (JWQ&A); Ezekiel not a literal "watchman" (SFBT)
Ezek. 8:14 Wedding rings and calenders? (SFBT)
Ezek. 9:2-4 "Secretary"; "mark" on the forehead (SFBT)
Ezek. 10:1,2 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT)
Ezek. 12:24 (SBT)
Eze. 18:4 Soul immortal? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Soul survive death of body? (SFBT)
Ezek. 21:2-4 Why at ezekiel 21:2-4 God said both righteous and unrighteous ones of israel will feel his wrath? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ezek. 22:3,4 New Year's (SFBT)
Ezek. 31:5 Why does the NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Ezek. 34:25 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Ezek. 36:21 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Ezek. 37:25 What does the "for ever" in Ezekiel 37:25 mean in Hebrew? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ezek. 39:6 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Ezek. 39:7 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Dan. 2:44 To pledge? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT)
Dan. 4:11 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Dan. 7:13,14 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Dan. 9:2 Jerusalem lay in ruins SEVENTY years (SFBT); Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Dan. 10:5 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Dan. 10:13 Does Daniel 10:13 prove that Michael the Archangel is not Jesus Christ? ("one of the chief princes.") (SFBT); Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:2-4 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:7 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:16 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:20,21 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:40 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:40-45 The King of the North, the King of the South and the "Time of the End” (SFBT)
Dan. 12:1 Quotes From Scholars Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel (SFBT); Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 12:4 Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Dan. 12:8,9 Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Hosea 2:18 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Hosea 4:12 Should a Christian dabble in dowsing? (SFBT)
Hosea 12:7 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Joel 2:26 Joel 2:26,32 (DNWT); Joel 2:32 (JWQ&A); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Joel 2:28
Deut. 19:9 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 22:5 Deut. 22:5 - What is The PRINCIPLE of this Law About not Wearing Clothing of the Opposite Sex? (SFBT); Do you understand the meaning of Deuteronomy 22:5 (About not wearing clothing of the opposite sex)? (Yahoo Answers, Best Answer); Does this Scripture mean that women should never wear men's pants? What does this Scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Deut. 22:23-29 Examining Deuteronomy 22:23- 27: Counsel on What One Should do When Threatened With Rape (SFBT); What was the punishment for rape according to the Mosaic Law? (Yahoo Answers, Best Answer); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 23:13,14 Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 27:4 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 27:19 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 31:2 Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT)
Deut. 32:5 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Deut. 32:6 Jehovah is Father - BWF (#10); KNOW 4; I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity)
Deut. 33:2 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Deut. Chapter 34 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Deut. 34:10 Since "No Man Has Seen God at Any Time", Then How Was it That Moses Knew God "Face to Face"? (Deut. 34:10) (SFBT)
Joshua 1:7 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Joshua 1:12 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Judges 2:7 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Judges 2:16 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 3:4 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Judges 3:10 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Judges 6:14 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 6:25 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
Judges 6:31 "He is a god" - Septuagint - QUAL 11; DEF (f.n.#18); SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
Judges 6:34 Is the Holy Spirit really God?; Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Judges 6:37 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Judges 14:3 NWT - Judges 14:3 `Her get for me....'." (DNWT)
Ruth 2:4 Jehovah - Importance of name; "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Samuel
1 Sam. 2:3 What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 10:6 Is the Holy Spirit really God?; Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 11:6 Is the Holy Spirit really God?; Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 14:31-34 Could God's Moral Principle on Blood be Set Aside in Times of Emergency? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 15:17-23 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Sam. 20:12 Said unto David, "O LORD God of Israel" - MY GOD 3-4 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Sam. 28:13 Spirit medium sees "a god" - DEF 5, 6 (Examining the Trinity)
2 Samuel
2 Sam.7:2-7 Build a house for the ark (SFBT)
2 Sam. 7:23 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
2 Sam. 24:1-3 Why did Jehovah's anger blaze against David for taking a census of Israel? (SFBT)
1 Kings
1 Kings 1:21 "My Lord" - MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 1:31 Bathsheba "worships" King David - WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 16:33 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
1 Kings 16:34 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
1 Kings 17:21 How can a soul "leave" someone (Gen 35:18; 1Kings 17:21)? (jwitness forum)
1 Kings 18:24 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:26 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:27 "He is a god" - DEF 15, (f.n.#18); QUAL 11; SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
1 Kings 18:36-8 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Kings 18:39 Gods or only one God? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
2 Kings
2 Kings 2:1-12 Is 2 Kings 2:11 Really Proof That Faithful Ones Who Died Before Jesus Went to Heaven? Did Elijah Really Ascend to Heaven? (SFBT); "What is meant at 2 Kings 2:11, 12 where the prophet Elijah is described as "ascending in the windstorm to the heavens"?" (JWQ&A; #4 in listing)
2 Kings 2:23,24 Elisha and the bear (jwitness forum)
2 Kings 18:6 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
2 Kings 19:19 True God (SFBT)
2 Kings 20:1-6 Isaiah's timeline prophecy (SFBT)
2 Kings 21:7 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
2 Kings 22:2 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT)
2 Kings 23:5 Are zodiac signs wrong? (SFBT); Does the Bible speak about stars and planets? (jwitness forum)
2 Kings 23:6 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
2 Kings 23:10 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (End notes) (SFBT)
3 Kings
3 Kings 1:21 Septuagint: "My Lord" - MY GOD 6; WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
3 King 1:31 Septuagint: Bathsheba "worships" King David) - WORSHIP 3 (Examining the Trinity)
3 Kings 18:27 Septuagint: "He is a god" - DEF 15, (f.n.#18); QUAL 11; SEPTGOD (Examining the Trinity)
1 Chronicles
1 Chron. 11:18,19 Should Christians donate blood? (SFBT)
1 Chron. 16:8 How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
1 Chron. 29:20 Worship to Jehovah and King David - WORSHIP 4; THRONE 2; HS 14 (Examining the Trinity)
2 Chronicles
2 Chron. 16:9 Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Ezra 6:12 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Neh. 8:17 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Esther(Book of) Is God's Name in the Book of Esther? Should the Book of Esther be a Part of the Hebrew Bible? (SFBT)
Job 1:4 Does Job 1:4 indicate that Job’s children celebrated their birthdays? (SFBT)
Job 1:6 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Job 1:8 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Job 2:1 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Job 6:6 Job 6:6 - "Marshmallow" (INDNWT)
Job 14:13 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Job 15:31 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Job 18:13 "Firstborn of Death" - BWF 11,12-13 (Examining the Trinity)
Job 24:24 Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Job 26:7 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT)
Job 33:4 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Human life has divine origin (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Job 38:1 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Job 38:12,13 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Job 38:4-7 Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); What is an angel? (vs. 7) (SFBT); Jesus - "The Bright Morning Star" (vs. 7) (SFBT)
Job 40:17 At Job 40:17, is the "Behemoth" a Dinosaur or a Hippopotamus? (SFBT)
Job 42:5 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Ps. 1:2 Ps. 1:2 (hagah) (DNWT)
Ps. 5:11 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Ps. 8:5,6 God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); Angels called "gods" - DEF 4 (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 9:17 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Ps. 9:18 Wicked and upright ones go to hell? (SFBT)
Ps. 13:3 Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT); Reincarnation true? (SFBT)
Ps. 19:1 Big Bang Theory; Creation (SFBT); The "impossible" universe (SFBT)
Ps. 19:9-11 How important to abstain? (SFBT); Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (vs. 9) (SFBT)
Ps. 22:1 Why, while hanging on the stake, did Jesus Christ cry out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (SFBT)
Ps. 25:4,5 Blood as Medicine And The Role of Your Conscience (SFBT)
Ps. 31:6 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 34:8 1 Pet 2:3 (DNWT); 1 Peter 2:3 ("Lord") (INDNWT)
Ps. 35:13 Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Ps. 36:9 How should the Source of human life affect our view of abortion? (SFBT)
Ps. 37:11 What future hope for JWs? (SFBT); If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Ps. 37:29 Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you take Psalms 37:29 and Psalms 104:5 to mean that the earth will last forever? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals? (SFBT)
Ps. 45:6 "Your throne, O God" - HEB (Examining the Trinity); Psalms 45:6(NIV)"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom." (Yahoo Answers); God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 46 ("Shake" - "spear") - THEOMATICS (end note) (SFBT)
Ps. 58:11 Plural verb with Elohim? - HUMPTY 3; ELOHIM (f.n.#1) (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 65:2 What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Ps. 68:4 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 68:18 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 74:7 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Ps. 74:13 Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT)
Ps. 76:6 Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT)
Ps. 80:1 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Ps. 82:1 God and gods; How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 82:6 How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 83:16,17 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 83:18 Is God the Father? (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Why isn't H.S. given equal description in the Bible? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Does the Holy Spirit have a personal name? (SFBT); Holy Spirit nameless (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Ps. 86:8 Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Ps. 86:10 True God (SFBT)
Ps. 89:27 Why does Jehovah refer to “David my servant” as firstborn, when David was not a firstborn son? (it-1 pp. 835-836 Firstborn, Firstling)
Ps. 90:2 Ps. 90:2 (Yalad) (INDNWT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Bowman's example of an `absolute' I Am) - I-AM (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Ps. 90:10 What motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)
Ps. 90:12 What does this Scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Ps. 96:5 Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Ps. 97:7 God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 99:1 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT)
Ps. 100:3-5 Does a substantial health danger justify having an abortion? (SFBT); Human life has divine origin (SFBT); Abortion acceptable when a woman is pregnant as the result of a rape? (SFBT)
Ps. 104:5 Jehovah's Witnesses: Do you take Psalms 37:29 and Psalms 104:5 to mean that the earth will last forever? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ps. 104:15 How Do Jehovah's Witnesses View the Consumption of Alcohol? (SFBT)
Ps. 107:8, 15, 21, 31 "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Ps. 110:1 THRONE 2; KNOW 2,3,4; I-AM 2,7,16; MINOR 7 (Examining the Trinity); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT)
Ps. 111:10 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Ps. 115:16 What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Ps. 118:23 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 119:34 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Ps. 119:111 What is a "Principle" and why is it important? (SFBT)
Ps. 119:118 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Ps. 119:144 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Ps. 135:13 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Ps. 137:9 Does God delight in killing babies? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 138:1 How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
Ps. 139:13-16 Yatsar (Predestination) Ps. 139: 15,16 (SFBT); Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT); God sees unborn child (SFBT); How does God view unborn children? (SFBT); Why did God give men nipples? Or is this evidence against Creation? (vs. 14) (SFBT)
Ps. 141:3 What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 146:3 Does Psalms 146:3 mean that Christians should trust no one? (jwitness forum)
Ps. 146:4 God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Reincarnation true? (SFBT); Dead experience pain? (SFBT); Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT)
Ps. 148:7 Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT)
Prov. 2:3 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 2:4,5 Genesis believable? (SFBT); Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 4:18 "New Light" - Should Opposers of Jehovah's Witnesses Really be Taken Seriously When They Can't Even Use the Correct Phrase? (SFBT); 'False Prophet' Claim and Jerusalem 607 B.C.E. (SFBT); WBTS ever claimed infallibility? (SFBT); Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Prov. 8:13 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 8:22-31 Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Is Proverbs 8:22-31 talking about Wisdom personified instead of Jesus? Why is Wisdom referred to in the feminine gender? (SFBT); What Does the Hebrew Word 'Qanah' Mean at Prov. 8:22? (SFBT); Scores of trinitarian bibles have decided to render the word 'qanah' as "create". (JWQ&A); Prov. 8:22-30 "Wisdom" and Christ (Examining the Trinity); Prov. 8:22-30 (Wisdom = Jesus) - BWF 1,5-9; QUAL 6; CREEDS 10, 12, 15 (bis), 16 (Examining the Trinity)
Prov. 8:30,31 Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT); Does Gen 1:26 prove Trinity? (SFBT); How man made in God's image? (SFBT); Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT)
Prov. 9:10 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 11:16 Why does Prov. 11:16 in the NWT differ from some other translations? (DNWT)
Prov. 12:10 Is it wrong to take the life of a very sick or old pet? (SFBT)
Prov. 14:25 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Prov. 16:6 Why does the Bible say that it is good to fear God? (SFBT)
Prov. 18:1 Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Prov. 20:18 What does it mean when this scripture says "with good advise make war"? (JWQ&A); What does it mean when this scripture says "with good advise make war" (Part 2)? (JWQ&A)
Prov. 26:18,19 How Should a Christian View April Fools' Day? (SFBT)
Prov. 28:26 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Prov. 31:10 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov 31:28,29 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Prov. 31:30 Cosmetic surgery (SFBT); Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Eccl. 2:24 Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Eccl. 3:4 What should a Christian's view be toward dancing? (SFBT)
Eccl. 3:11 Would it be boring to live forever? (SFBT); Is there a hope of an afterlife for animals?
Eccl. 4:9,10 Why JWs preach in twos? (SFBT)
Eccl. 7:2 What does this Scriptue mean? (JWQ&A)
Eccl. 9:5 God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Reincarnation true? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Dead experience pain? (SFBT); Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT); What are some practical suggestions for those who have lost a loved one in death? (SFBT)
Eccl. 9:6 What happens after death? (SFBT)
Eccl. 9:10 Hell (SFBT); Dead experience pain? (SFBT)
Eccl. 12:13 What is the purpose of life? (SFBT); What motivates us to serve God? (SFBT)
Isa. 1:1 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:1,2 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:3 "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Isa. 6:6,7 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:8 Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT)
Isa. 6:11,12 Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT)
Isa. 7:14 Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Should Jesus really be considered to be God because he was symbolically “named” Immanuel (Isa. 7:14; Mt. 1:23) which means “God is with us”? (SFBT)
Isa. 9:6 Isa. 9:6 "Mighty God, Eternal Father" (Examining the Trinity); Isa. 9:6 - NWT (DNWT); NAME - “Jesus,” “Immanuel,” and Is. 9:6 (Examining the Trinity); BOWGOD (God and gods) (Examining the Trinity); Does Isa. 9:6 prove that Jesus is God? (SFBT); Why is Jesus called "Mighty God" at Isa. 9:6? (SFBT); One God in Three? (Pastor Russell; Heading: "No Trinity in the “Old Testament”'); How does the Codex Sinaiticus render Is. 9:6? (JWQ&A); How is translated Isaiah 9:6 in old Aramaic Targums? (JWQ&A)
Isa. 10:1,2 Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:2 Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:6-9 Isaiah 11:7 and Isaiah 65:25 - How Will the Lion "Eat Straw Like a Bull"? (SFBT) Vegetarian Lioness: Little Tyke ( Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 11:12 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Isa. 12:2 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 12:4 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 14:8 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 14:12 Is 'Lucifer' a Name For Satan the Devil? (SFBT); Who is Satan the Devil? (SFBT); Is Satan Lucifer? (Jimspace)
Isa. 24:4 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 24:7 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 24:23 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Isa. 25:6 Is it Scripturally Acceptable for a Christian to Eat Animal Bone Marrow? Bone Marrow Transplants? (SFBT)
Isa. 26:4 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Isa. 26:14 What happens after death? (SFBT)
Isa. 27:1 Dinosaurs and the Bible (SFBT)
Isa. 33:24 God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
Isa. 34:9,10 Does Revelation 14:10, 11 prove the existence of a fiery Hell? (SFBT)
Isa. 34:16 Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT)
Isa. 35:1-4 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 35:5,6 Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT); Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Isa. 37:16 True God (SFBT)
Isa. 40:22 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Is there scientific evidence that supports the Bible? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Isa. 40:26 Big Bang Theory (SFBT)
Isa. 41:10 Should I end my life? (SFBT)
Isa. 42:8 Heb. 1:3 / Isa. 42:8 Does Jesus really share Jehovah's Glory? (Examining the Trinity)
Isa. 43:10-12 What Does it Mean to be a Witness of Jehovah? (SFBT); "What Have Jehovah's Witnesses Witnessed?" - How Did Jehovah's Witnesses Get Their Name? (SFBT); How old is JW religion? (SFBT); JWs an American religion? (SFBT)
Isa. 43:11 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT); Title Confusion Trick "Saviour" (Examining the Trinity); How many saviors at Isaiah 43:11? (jwitness forum); A short exchange on "savior" and Isaiah 43:11 (INDNWT)
Isa. 44:6 Isa. 44:6 "pronoun confusion trick" (Examining the Trinity); Isa. 44:6 / Rev. 1:17 "First and the Last" (SFBT)
Isa. 44:24 Isaiah 44:24 - What is meant when God said, "I ALONE stretched out the heavens; when I made the earth"? (GNT) (SFBT)
Isa. 45:14 Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Isa. 45:18 What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Isa. 46:11 Only instance 'yatsar' is interpreted as "purposed" (SFBT)
Isa. 48:16 Isa. 48:16; Trinitarian "speaker confusion" trick (SFBT)
Isa. 52:11 Singing Christmas Carols? (SFBT)
Isa. 53:1 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Isa. 53:10 I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity)
Isa. 55:6,7 What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Isa. 55:8,9 Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
Isa. 58:1 Is. 58:1 - "Call out full-throated; do not hold back" (DNWT)
Isa. 61:1 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Isa. 63:9 What is an angel? (SFBT)
Isa. 63:16 Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Isa. 64:8 Jehovah is Father - KNOW 4 (Examining the Trinity); I-AM 2 (Examining the Trinity); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God?
Isa. 65:25 Isaiah 11:7 and Isaiah 65:25 - How Will the Lion "Eat Straw Like a Bull"? (SFBT) What does Isaiah 65:25 mean when it says that "the lion will eat straw just like the bull"? (JWQ&A)
Jer. 1:5 Is it compatible with Bible principles for a Christian married couple to use birth control pills? (SFBT)
Jer. 7:1-4 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:5 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:8-10 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:13-15 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 7:30,31 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 9:6 Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 10:10 Jer. 10:10 " in truth God." (INDNWT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Jer. 10:23 Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 10:25 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 16:19 Trinitarian reasoning - water and blood persons too? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name?; "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Jer. 16:21 Jehovah - Importance of name? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Jer. 17:4 How long will God be angry? (jwitness forum)
Jer. 17:9 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 19:5 Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (end notes) (SFBT)
Jer. 20:7 How did Jehovah fool Jeremiah and what lesson can we draw from this? (Y/A)
Jer. 23:6 "Jehovah Is Our Righteousness" - NAME 4 (Examining the Trinity); Why is Jesus called Mighty God? (SFBT)
Jer. 23:27 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Jer. 25:8-11 Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Jer. 25:17,18 Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Jer. 33:16 Why is Jesus called Mighty God? (SFBT)
Ezek. 1:1 Wedding rings and calendars? (SFBT)
Ezek. 3:17-21 What is Ezek. 3:17-21 saying? (JWQ&A); Ezekiel not a literal "watchman" (SFBT)
Ezek. 8:14 Wedding rings and calenders? (SFBT)
Ezek. 9:2-4 "Secretary"; "mark" on the forehead (SFBT)
Ezek. 10:1,2 What is Archangel...more than one? (SFBT)
Ezek. 12:24 (SBT)
Eze. 18:4 Soul immortal? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Soul survive death of body? (SFBT)
Ezek. 21:2-4 Why at ezekiel 21:2-4 God said both righteous and unrighteous ones of israel will feel his wrath? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ezek. 22:3,4 New Year's (SFBT)
Ezek. 31:5 Why does the NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT)
Ezek. 34:25 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Ezek. 36:21 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Ezek. 37:25 What does the "for ever" in Ezekiel 37:25 mean in Hebrew? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Ezek. 39:6 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Ezek. 39:7 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Dan. 2:44 To pledge? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT)
Dan. 4:11 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Dan. 7:13,14 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Dan. 9:2 Jerusalem lay in ruins SEVENTY years (SFBT); Jerusalem 607 B.C.E.? (SFBT)
Dan. 10:5 Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Dan. 10:13 Does Daniel 10:13 prove that Michael the Archangel is not Jesus Christ? ("one of the chief princes.") (SFBT); Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:2-4 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:7 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:16 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:20,21 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:40 Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 11:40-45 The King of the North, the King of the South and the "Time of the End” (SFBT)
Dan. 12:1 Quotes From Scholars Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel (SFBT); Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (SFBT)
Dan. 12:4 Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Dan. 12:8,9 Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
Hosea 2:18 Are the paradise conditions described in Isa. 11:6-9 a literal or figurative promise? (SFBT)
Hosea 4:12 Should a Christian dabble in dowsing? (SFBT)
Hosea 12:7 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT)
Joel 2:26 Joel 2:26,32 (DNWT); Joel 2:32 (JWQ&A); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Joel 2:28
Prophecy means public proclamation (SFBT)
Joel 2:32 Joel 2:26,32 (DNWT); Joel 2:32 (JWQ&A); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Joel 3:5 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Obadiah 21 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Jonah 1:2 Jonah's commission (SFBT)
Jonah 1:4,5 What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Jonah 1:17 What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Jonah 2:2 What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Jonah 3:4 Jonah's Prophecy (SFBT)
Micah 3:2,3 Is it Scripturally Acceptable for a Christian to Eat Animal Bone Marrow? Bone Marrow Transplants? (SFBT)
Micah 5:1 Trinity "Proof Texts" (SFBT); Jesus' origin (SFBT)
Micah 5:2 Micah 5:2 (Examining the Trinity); BWF - 'Beginning,' 'Wisdom,' and 'Firstborn' (6th par. down; Examining the Trinity); Is Micah 5:2 saying that Jesus' ORIGIN was “from early times”? (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); Did Jesus have a beginning (Micah 5:2)? (jwitness forum); Micah 5:2 (JW Stand Firm)
Micah 5:4 Micah 5:2 - Jesus' origin (SFBT)
Hab. 1:12 Habakkuk 1:12 (INDNWT); Why does the NWT render Habakkuk 1:12 "Are you not from long ago, O Jehovah? O my God, my Holy One, you do not die", when many other Bibles render it as "O LORD, my God, my Holy One? We will not die."? (JWQ&A); Scribal notes (JWQ&A); "King of Eternity" did not die, but His Son did (JWQ&A)
Zeph. 1:4-6 Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); Christmas have any pagan associations? (SFBT)
Zeph. 2:2,3 Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT)
Zeph. 3:9 How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Zech. 2:10-15 AO - Speaker Confusion Part 3a (Examining the Trinity; Part 3a of post)
Zech. 3:2 Zech. 3:2 NWT 'add' the words "the angel of"? (INDNWT)
Zech. 12:10 Zech 12:10 / John 19:37 (DNWT); Zech. 12:10 "...they shall look upon me whom they have pierced." (DNWT); Zechariah 12:10 (INDNWT)
Zech. 13:9 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 1:11 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Mal. 2:2 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 2:10 Malachi 2:10 (One Father; One God) - ECHAD 7-8 (Examining the Trinity)
Mal. 3:3 MALACHI 3:3: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver..." (JWQ&A)
Mal. 3:6 Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT)
Mal. 3:8 Malachi 3:8 - "Will earthling man [adam] rob God?" (DNWT)
Mal. 3:16 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 3:17 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 4:4 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Mt. 1:18 Holy Spirit and the Virgin Birth (Jimspace)
Mt. 1:20 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 1:21 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Mt. 1:22,23 Matt. 1:23 ("Immanuel") - NAME 2 (Examining the Trinity); How was it that "all things were made through (Jesus)"? (Vs. 22) (SFBT); How and why did Jesus come to Earth? (SFBT); Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Should Jesus really be considered to be God because he was symbolically “named” Immanuel (Isa. 7:14; Mt. 1:23) which means “God is with us”? (SFBT)
Mt. 1:25 Instance of prototokos in NT; How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 2:1 "Astrologers" (INDNWT)
Mt. 2:7 "Astrologers" (INDNWT)
Mt. 2:16 "Astrologers" (INDNWT)
Mt. 3:3 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 3:13 Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT)
Mt. 3:16 Did the Holy Spirit Descend LIKE a Dove or AS a Dove? (Mt. 3:16) (SFBT); Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 4:3 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 4:4 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 4:6 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 4:7 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 4:8 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Mt. 4:10 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 5:3 What must we do to fill our spiritual need? (SFBT)
Mt. 5:5 What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); What future hope for JWs? (SFBT); If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Mt. 5:18 Mt. 5:18 "hews" / "sooner would" (INDNWT); (Heos) "Sooner would heaven and earth pass away" (jwitness forum); Jesus said that the law will still stand until the "heavens and earth pass away". They have not passed away". So according to this, why is the law or the commandment of the sabbath not observed? (Mt. 5:18) (JWQ&A)
Mt. 5:19 NWT's rendering of en not as "in" (DNWT)
Mt. 5:33 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 5:44 Matthew 5:44 - What Did Jesus Mean When He Said to "Love" and "Pray" For Your Enemies? (SFBT); Mt. 5:44 "agapate" / "continue to love" (INDNWT)
Mt. 6:9 “Hallowed be thy name” - What name? (SFBT); God's name 'Lord' or 'God'? (SFBT); Should God's name “Jehovah" appear in the New Testament? (SFBT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Mt. 6:10
Joel 2:32 Joel 2:26,32 (DNWT); Joel 2:32 (JWQ&A); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Joel 3:5 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Obadiah 21 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Jonah 1:2 Jonah's commission (SFBT)
Jonah 1:4,5 What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Jonah 1:17 What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Jonah 2:2 What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Jonah 3:4 Jonah's Prophecy (SFBT)
Micah 3:2,3 Is it Scripturally Acceptable for a Christian to Eat Animal Bone Marrow? Bone Marrow Transplants? (SFBT)
Micah 5:1 Trinity "Proof Texts" (SFBT); Jesus' origin (SFBT)
Micah 5:2 Micah 5:2 (Examining the Trinity); BWF - 'Beginning,' 'Wisdom,' and 'Firstborn' (6th par. down; Examining the Trinity); Is Micah 5:2 saying that Jesus' ORIGIN was “from early times”? (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); Did Jesus have a beginning (Micah 5:2)? (jwitness forum); Micah 5:2 (JW Stand Firm)
Micah 5:4 Micah 5:2 - Jesus' origin (SFBT)
Hab. 1:12 Habakkuk 1:12 (INDNWT); Why does the NWT render Habakkuk 1:12 "Are you not from long ago, O Jehovah? O my God, my Holy One, you do not die", when many other Bibles render it as "O LORD, my God, my Holy One? We will not die."? (JWQ&A); Scribal notes (JWQ&A); "King of Eternity" did not die, but His Son did (JWQ&A)
Zeph. 1:4-6 Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); Christmas have any pagan associations? (SFBT)
Zeph. 2:2,3 Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT)
Zeph. 3:9 How important is God's Name? (SFBT); Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Zech. 2:10-15 AO - Speaker Confusion Part 3a (Examining the Trinity; Part 3a of post)
Zech. 3:2 Zech. 3:2 NWT 'add' the words "the angel of"? (INDNWT)
Zech. 12:10 Zech 12:10 / John 19:37 (DNWT); Zech. 12:10 "...they shall look upon me whom they have pierced." (DNWT); Zechariah 12:10 (INDNWT)
Zech. 13:9 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 1:11 Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Mal. 2:2 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 2:10 Malachi 2:10 (One Father; One God) - ECHAD 7-8 (Examining the Trinity)
Mal. 3:3 MALACHI 3:3: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver..." (JWQ&A)
Mal. 3:6 Important if a holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT)
Mal. 3:8 Malachi 3:8 - "Will earthling man [adam] rob God?" (DNWT)
Mal. 3:16 Jehovah - Importance of name (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 3:17 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mal. 4:4 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
Mt. 1:18 Holy Spirit and the Virgin Birth (Jimspace)
Mt. 1:20 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 1:21 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
Mt. 1:22,23 Matt. 1:23 ("Immanuel") - NAME 2 (Examining the Trinity); How was it that "all things were made through (Jesus)"? (Vs. 22) (SFBT); How and why did Jesus come to Earth? (SFBT); Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Should Jesus really be considered to be God because he was symbolically “named” Immanuel (Isa. 7:14; Mt. 1:23) which means “God is with us”? (SFBT)
Mt. 1:25 Instance of prototokos in NT; How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 2:1 "Astrologers" (INDNWT)
Mt. 2:7 "Astrologers" (INDNWT)
Mt. 2:16 "Astrologers" (INDNWT)
Mt. 3:3 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 3:13 Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT)
Mt. 3:16 Did the Holy Spirit Descend LIKE a Dove or AS a Dove? (Mt. 3:16) (SFBT); Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 4:3 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 4:4 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 4:6 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Mt. 4:7 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 4:8 Does the Bible Really Describe the Earth as Flat? (SFBT); Does the Bible teach that the earth is flat? (jwitness forum)
Mt. 4:10 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 5:3 What must we do to fill our spiritual need? (SFBT)
Mt. 5:5 What is God's purpose for the earth? (SFBT); What future hope for JWs? (SFBT); If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Mt. 5:18 Mt. 5:18 "hews" / "sooner would" (INDNWT); (Heos) "Sooner would heaven and earth pass away" (jwitness forum); Jesus said that the law will still stand until the "heavens and earth pass away". They have not passed away". So according to this, why is the law or the commandment of the sabbath not observed? (Mt. 5:18) (JWQ&A)
Mt. 5:19 NWT's rendering of en not as "in" (DNWT)
Mt. 5:33 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mt. 5:44 Matthew 5:44 - What Did Jesus Mean When He Said to "Love" and "Pray" For Your Enemies? (SFBT); Mt. 5:44 "agapate" / "continue to love" (INDNWT)
Mt. 6:9 “Hallowed be thy name” - What name? (SFBT); God's name 'Lord' or 'God'? (SFBT); Should God's name “Jehovah" appear in the New Testament? (SFBT); How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Mt. 6:10
Mt. 6:17
Matt. 6:17 - "grease [aleipho] your head" (DNWT)Mt. 6:24
No one can serve two masters (SFBT)
Mt. 6:27
Cubit / Lifespan (NWT) (DNWT)
Mt. 7:13,14
Is the road "cramped" or "narrow"? (jwitness forum); Some will never be saved? (SFBT); JWs believe their religion only right one?; Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Mt. 7:15, 16 'False Prophet Claim' (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
Mt. 7:21,22
Not everyone will enter kingdom (SFBT); JWs believe their religion only right one?; Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT); "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (vs. 22) (SFBT)
Mt. 8:11
Does Matthew 8:11 Say Abraham Will Be in Heaven? (JWs Stand Firm); How will Abraham see the Kingdom of the heavens? (jwitness forum)
Mt. 8:12
The 'children of the Kingdom' refers to the nation of natural Jews as a whole... (Yahoo Answers - Waiting For Paradises' Best Answer)
Mt. 10:11-14
Mt. 10:22
Why JWs hated? (SFBT)
Mt. 10:28
Mt. 10:28 (Psyche / Soul) (DNWT); Soul immortal? (SFBT); Is the body and soul the same, and if so, why does Matthew 10:28 say, "And do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul"? (SFBT)
Mt. 11:18,19
Mt. 12:32
Blasphemy to Christ: forgiven; to HS: not - HS (Last 20 par.) (and f.n.#10 &11);(Examining the Trinity); BOWHS (f.n.) (Examining the Trinity); Matthew 12:32 "whoever says something against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven" (Examining the Trinity)
Mt. 12:34
Mt. 12:39-42
Jesus referred to Jonah as prophet (SFBT); What Could Have Swallowed Jonah and How Could Jonah Have Survived? (SFBT)
Mt. 14:6-11
Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT); What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Mt. 15:3
Mt. 15:6
Singing Christmas carols? (SFBT); Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); Should Christians celebrate holidays? (SFBT); Why was Jehovah God's name removed from the Bible? (SFBT)
Mt. 15:14
Mt. 15:28
Mt. 16:18
Mt. 16:21-23
Mt. 16:25
How important to abstain? (SFBT)
Mt. 17:11-13
Mt. 18:1-5
Mt. 18:11
Mt. 18:17
Mt. 18:20
Mt. 19:4-6
Mt. 19:9
Mt. 19:23,24
Mt. 19:26
Mt. 21:42
Mt. 22:30
Mt. 22:32
"The God of Abraham and ..." - SHARP (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Mt. 22:37,38
Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house?; "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Is Fasting for Christians? (vs. 37) (SFBT); What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)
Mt. 22:39
Smoking a sin? (SFBT); Why are JWs persistent in preaching? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT); What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)
Mt. 22:43-45
"Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT);
Mt. 23:7
"Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Mt. 23:14
Mt. 24:3
NWT - Parousia ("Presence") (DNWT); PAROUSIA: "coming" or "presence"-Which? (INDNWT); Presence (SFBT); Great tribulation extensive? (SFBT); When will God's Kingdom come? (SFBT); Are we living in the last days? (SFBT)
Mt. 24:11
Mt. 24:13
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT)
Mt. 24:14
Mt. 24:14 - What is the "Good News of the Kingdom"? Who is Preaching it? And What Does "For a Witness to all the Nations" Mean? (SFBT); When will God's Kingdom come? (SFBT); Are we living in the last days? (SFBT); Don't other religions besides JWs follow Bible? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT)
Mt. 24:21,22
Great tribulation extensive? (SFBT)
Mt. 24:27
Matthew 24:27 "Parousia" or "coming" (LINK) (JWitness Forum); Presence (SFBT)
Mt. 24:30
In what sense will the son of Man be seen? (horáo) (JWQ&A); Why did jehovah witnesses say jesus was invisible when it clearly says in the bible he will be visible? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Mt. 24:36
Only Father knows day and hour (SFBT); Are we living in the last days? (SFBT); Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT); How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT)
Mt. 24:37
Matthew 24:37 - How is Jesus' Presence "Just As" the "Days of Noah"? (SFBT); Presence (SFBT); When will Gods' Kingdom come? (SFBT); Did the Great Flood of Noah's Day Really Happen? (SFBT)
Mt. 24:39
Presence (SFBT)
Mt. 24:40-42
Mt. 25:11
"Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Mt. 25:31
Mt. 25:33
Mt. 25:46
NWT - Kolasis - "Cutting Off" (Defending the NWT); "Cutting Off" or "torment"? (jwitness forum)
Mt. 26:12
Mt. 26:26-28
“This Means” or “This Is”? - "Estin" at Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, and Luke 22:19 (SFBT); "Estin" at Matthew 26:26-28 (INDNWT)
Mt. 26:30
Mt. 26:64
Why did jehovah witnesses say jesus was invisible when it clearly says in the bible he will be visible? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Mt. 27:5
Mt. 27:9
Matthew 27:9 Jeremiah or Zechariah? (JWitness Forum)
Mt. 27:46
Why, while hanging on the stake, did Jesus Christ cry out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (SFBT); Why did Jesus cry out that God had 'forsaken' him? (jwitness forum); Why, while hanging on the stake, did Jesus Christ cry out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (JWQ&A)
Mt. 27:50
NWT - Pneuma - "Spirit," "Wind," "Breath" (Matt. 27:50) (DNWT); Matthew 27:50-"pneuma," "yielded up his spirit." (INDNWT)
Mt. 27:52,53
Matthew 27:52,53 - ‘Many Bodies of the Holy Ones...Were Raised Up' (SFBT); Matthew 27:52, 53 - Was there a resurrection from the dead at the time of Jesus' death? (DNWT); Were people resurrected when Jesus died (Matt. 27:52, 53)? (jwitness forum)
Mt. 27:59, 60
Jesus' burial (SFBT)
Mt. 28:1
Was it dark when the women arrived at the tomb? (jwitness forum)
Mt. 28:18
Mt. 28:19
What does Mt. 28:19 mean? (JWQ&A; Quote from WT 2002 April 1st); Mt. 28:19 " the NAME of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit" (Examining the Trinity); Mt. 28:19 - NWT (DNWT); Does the method of preaching from house to house have its basis in the Scriptures? (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT); Concerning Mt. 28:19... (JWQ&A); 2 Cor.13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit" (SFBT); Shem Tov's Hebrew Matthew 14th century manuscripts (JWQ&A); Why do JWs preach from house to house? (SFBT); Is the ‘speaking in tongues’ that is done today the same as that done by first-century Christians? (SFBT); Armageddon - What should we do while waiting for "the day of Jehovah"? (SFBT); Some comments by scholars and translators (JWQ&A); Online references that discuss the possible spurious origins of Matt. 28:19 (JWQ&A)
Mt. 28:20
Mark 1:4
Mark 1:10
Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT); Did the Holy Spirit Descend LIKE a Dove or AS a Dove? (Mark 1:10) (SFBT)
Mark 1:27
How old is JW religion? (SFBT)
Mark 1:41
Mark 1:45
Mark 2:22
Mark 3:28,29
What is the difference between "Everlasting sin" and "Unforgivable sin" as in blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? (Yahoo Answers)
Mark 6:3
How and why did Jesus come to Earth? (SFBT); Jesus merely a man? (SFBT)
Mark 6:21-28
Why Don't Jehovah's Witnesses Celebrate Birthdays? (SFBT); What Happened At The Only Two Instances In The Bible That Reference Birthdays? (SFBT)
Mark 7:6-9
Mark 7:13
Mark 7:20-23
Mark 8:27-29
Mark 8:31-33
Mark 8:35-37
Mark 9:47,48
Did Jesus Mean Hellfire? (pastorrussell)
Mark 10:3-5
Mark 10:5,6
Did God use evolution to create life? (SFBT); Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)
Mark 10:11,12
Mark 10:18
What Did Jesus Mean at Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19 Where He Said That Only God is Good? (SFBT); Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT); Bible phrase Jesus and God as separate persons? (SFBT)
Mark 10:27
Mark 12:25
Mark 12:29
Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Mark 12:36,37
Mark 13:13
Why JWs persecuted? (SFBT)
Mark 13:26,27
Mark 14:3, 8
Jesus `anointed' for burial (SFBT)
Mark 14:22-24
“This Means” or “This Is”? - "Estin" at Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, and Luke 22:19 (SFBT); "Estin" at Mark 14:22-24 (INDNWT)
Mark 14:61,62
Jesus merely a man? (SFBT)
Mark 15:34
Mark 15:39
Qualitative Anarthrous Predicate Nouns - Mark 15:39 and John 1:1 (Examining the Trinity)
Mark 15:46
Mark 16:1
Jewish burial custom (SFBT)
Mark 16:2
Was it dark when the women arrived at the tomb? (jwitness forum)
Luke 1:32
Luke 1:34,35
How and why did Jesus come to Earth? (SFBT); Holy Spirit and the Virgin Birth (Jimspace); How Jesus saves (SFBT); Jesus merely a man? (SFBT)
Luke 1:69
Keras Soterias (DNWT)
Luke 2:7
Instance of prototokos in NT (SFBT)
Luke 2:8
The Date of Jesus' Birth
Luke 2:11
"Savior" - TC (Examining the Trinity)
Luke 2:29
Luke 2:29 "Sovereign Lord" (INDNWT)
Luke 3:22
Luke 3:23-38
Genesis believable? (SFBT); God use evolution to create life? (SFBT); Was the Garden of Eden a real place and if so, where was it located? (SFBT)
Luke 3:38
Luke 4:5-8
To pledge? (SFBT); Why don't JWs vote or pledge allegiance? (SFBT)
Luke 4:16-20
Luke 6:41,42
Luke 7:39 A Response to Don Hartley on the Matter of the Colwell Construction, Luke 7:39, and the Use of Theology in Grammatical Studies (JW United)
Luke 8:1
Does the method of preaching from house to house have its basis in the Scriptures? (SFBT); Why do JWs preach from house to house? ;(SFBT) Are women looked down upon in the Bible? (SFBT)
Luke 8:2,3
Luke 9:6
Luke 9:18-20
Luke 9:26
Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT); 2 Cor.13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit" (SFBT); If the Holy Spirit is an equal member of a trinity, then where is the "glory of the Holy Spirit" in this scripture? (JWQ&A)
Luke 10:1,2
Why JWs preach in twos? (SFBT)
Luke 10:30-37
Luke 10:38-42
Luke 11:2
Luke 11:13
Luke 11:13 ASV says that Holy Spirit will be given to those that ask for it (Elijah's Best Answer Yahoo Answers)
Luke 12:10
Speak against Jesus: Forgiven, but...) - HS 16 (Examining the Trinity); Comprehensive Research Concerning Why the Holy Spirit is Not God or a Person (f.n.) (Examining the Trinity)
Luke 12:15
Luke 12:35-40
Luke 12:42
Luke 13:28
Does Matthew 8:11 Say Abraham Will Be in Heaven? (JWs Stand Firm)
Luke 15:10
Luke 16:19-31
Luke 16:19-31 - A Parable That Does NOT Teach a Literal Torment in Hell (SFBT)
Even though the story about Abraham's Bosom is supposed to be symbolic, what is the meaning behind it? And why does it say that the angels carried them off after death? (JWQ&A; Question #2)
Luke 17:20
Luke 17:21
Is God’s Kingdom in Your Heart? (w08 1/1 p. 13)
Luke 17:36
Luke 18:19
Luke 19:40
Luke 20:29
Luke 20:29 "Sovereign Lord" (INDNWT)
Luke 20:37
"The God of Abraham and ..." - SHARP (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Luke 20:42-44
Luke 21:10
Luke 21:11
Luke 22:19
“This Means” or “This Is”? - "Estin" at Matthew 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24, and Luke 22:19 (SFBT); "Estin" at Mark 14:22-24 (INDNWT)
Luke 22:42
Luke 22:69
Luke 23:43
What is the Paradise That Jesus Promised to the Evildoer Who Died Alongside Him? (DNWT); NWT - Luke 23:43 - Punctuation (DNWT); LUKE 23:43-"Truly I tell you today,You will be with me in Paradise"(NWT)- Where should the comma be placed? (INDNWT); Luke 23:43 and the New World Translation (SFBT); What About...Luke 23:43? (From God's Word); Luke 23:43 (JWQ&A); Jesus with the evildoer in Paradise (jwitness forum); Luke 23:43 (Jehovah's Witnesses United; Scroll Down to Second Letter); Luke 23:43 - The Greek adverb which is rendered in English “today” in relation to its verb in Biblical Greek when found in Direct Discourse (Scriptural Truths); How would you punctuate this in line with Christian teaching and why? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); Jehovah's Witnesses: Is It True That You Place Punctuation In Your NWT To Support Your Own Teachings? (Y/A; Every response with "thumbs up" is a quality response.);
Luke 23:46
Luke 23:53
Jesus' burial (SFBT)
Luke 23:55, 56
Jewish burial custom (SFBT)
Luke 24:1
Was it dark when the women arrived at the tomb? (jwitness forum)
Luke 24:39
Luke 24:36-43 and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ (JW United); Was Jesus raised in his physical body? (jwitness forum)
In Defense of the New World Translation. John 1:1 files (INDNWT); John 1:1 - A Number of Trinitaran Translations and Scholars Admit "a god" (Defending the NWT); Defending the charge that the NWT translators made up a rule for the word for "God/god" (theos). (Defending the NWT); How does the Coptic text render John 1:1? (VIDEO AT BOTTOM OF POST; SFBT); The Coptic Language and John 1:1 (SFBT); John 1:1c - English translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT); John 1:1 "and the Word was" (pastorrussell); "and the Word was divine." (pastorrussell); Should John 1:1 read: "And the Word was divine"? (JWQ&A); "and the word was with (pros) God." (JWQ&A); John 1:1c Primer (Examining the Trinity); DEFinite John 1:1c (Examining the Trinity); Harner's JBL 'Qualitative' Article (Examining the Trinity); HARNER: JBL 'Qualitative' Article Refuted (Examining the Trinity); QUAL ("Qualitative" John 1:1c) (Examining the Trinity); SEPTGOD (John 1:1c and the Septuagint) (Examining the Trinity); Logos (The 'Word') (Examining the Trinity); VIDEO: John 1:1 Part 1 and Part 2 (SFBT); John 1:1 was examined by Origen in his "Commentary on John." (JWQ&A); IF God is a trinity, then how is it that “the Word (Jesus) was WITH God”? (John 1:1) (SFBT); Is the New World Translation the only Bible to phrase John 1:1c as "the Word was A God"? (SFBT); NWT - John 1:1 (Defending the NWT); "Was" and "Beginning" in John 1:1 (Examining the Trinity); If Jesus is not God, how can he be a god? (SFBT); God and gods - What is a god and who have been called 'gods'? (SFBT); Video: "Early Jewish and Christian Monotheism - The Early use of "God" and the Christological Implications" (SFBT); God and gods (from BOWGOD study) (Examining the Trinity); Was the Word “God” or “a god”? (pastorrussell); If the Father is the "only true God" (John 17:3), does that mean that Jesus is a false god? (SFBT); Why is Jesus called "Mighty God" at Isa. 9:6? (SFBT); The Holy Trinity (pastorrussell); They call me Trinity (pastorrussell); Jn 1:1 NWT - Mantey (DNWT); Jn 1:1 Martin (DNWT); John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT); With God? (SFBT)
John 1:2,3
How was it that "all things were made through (Jesus)"? (John 1:3) (SFBT); Does Gen. 1:26 prove Trinity? (SFBT); How man made in God's image?
John 1:6
John 1:10
John 1:11
John 1:12
#8 of article (SFBT)
John 1:14
"The Word flesh became" - HARNER 5 (Examining the Trinity)
John 1:17
John 1:18
OBGOD - Jn 1:18 - "only-begotten god" - NWT (Examining the Trinity); John 1:18 "the only-begotten god" / Son (DNWT); Does Coptic John 1:18 contradict Coptic John 1:1? (NWT & Coptic); DEF (Examining the Trinity); THEON (Examining the Trinity); TRINTYPE 4,8 (Examining the Trinity); QUAL 8 (Examining the Trinity); Monogenes (only begotten) (Defending the NWT); Begotten and Created (Examining the Trinity); "No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); God and Jesus phrased as "Father" and "Son" (SFBT); Is Jesus God or the Son of God? (SFBT); Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT)
John 1:21
("The Prophet") - DEF 13-14 (Examining the Trinity); QUAL 10,11, (and f.n. #2,9) (Examining the Trinity); John the Baptist being called "Elijah" by Jesus (SFBT); John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god."
John 1:32-34
John 2:2
John 2:9,10
John 2:15
John 2:19
RU - Jesus Raised Himself? (Examining the Trinity); The Trinity and John 2:19-22 (JW United)
John 3:2
John 3:3-5
What Does It Mean? (WOL) How do Jehovah's Witnesses interpret 1 John 5:1 in light of John 3?
(Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
John 3:4
John 3:8
How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (SFBT); What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
John 3:13
Was there ever a heavenly hope held out to God’s servants prior to the coming of Christ Jesus? (SFBT); Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT)
John 3:16
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT); Addressing the Trintarian Claim That MonoGENES ("Only-BEGOTTEN") Means "The Only One of a Class or Kind" (SFBT); "Exercise Faith" / "Believe" and the New World Translation (SFBT);
John 3:17
John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT); Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
John 3:18
Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Addressing the Trintarian Claim That MonoGENES ("Only-BEGOTTEN") Means "The Only One of a Class or Kind" (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT)
John 3:27
John 3:36
John 3:33
John 3:34
John 4:7-9
John 4:19
"a prophet" - DEF 13-14; QUAL 10,11, (and f.n. #9) (Examining the Trinity); John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT)
John 4:24
(True Worship) - WORSHIP 1,7 (Examining the Trinity); John 4:24 (Abstract or Concrete?) - QUAL 12,13, (and f.n. #11)
John 4:26
How man made in God's image? (SFBT)
John 5:18
John 5:18 "...making himself equal to God" (Examining the Trinity); John 5:18 "...making himself equal to God" (SFBT); John 5:18 - What is this scripture saying? (JWQ&A)
John 5:19
How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT); Only Father knows day and hour (SFBT); Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT)
John 5:22
(Father entrusts judgment to Son) - TC 3 (Examining the Trinity)
John 5:23
John 5:23 - "That all may honor the Son JUST AS [kathos] they honor the Father." - NIV (Examining the Trinity)
John 5:25,26
Jesus merely a man? (SFBT)
John 5:28,29
Accuracy of the NWT: "Tombs" - The original Greek word is derived from the verb meaning "to remember" or "to memorialize." (JWQ&A); God punish humans with hell?; What happens after death? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); What are some practical suggestions for those who have lost a loved one in death? (SFBT); Rom. 6:23 says that "the wages sin pays is death". So why does John 5:28, 29 say that there will be a judgment of the unrighteous if their sins were payed by death? (JWQ&A); Romans 6:7 -Does it mean people get a clean record in the coming kingdom? (JWQ&A)
John 5:30 Is God Always Superior to Jesus?; How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT); Romans 6:7 -Does it mean people get a clean record in the coming kingdom? (JWQ&A)
John 5:37 "No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT)
John 5:46,47 If Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, then how was his own death and burial written in Deuteronomy Chapter 34? (SFBT)
John 6:7-15 John 6:7-15 Holy Spirit as a "he" (Examining the Trinity)
John 6:27 John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT)
John 6:38
Came down from heaven to do Father's will - LOGOS (f.n. # 9) (Examining the Trinity); Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT); Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT)
John 6:29
John 6:29 "believe" or "exercise faith" (JWitness Forum)
John 6:51
What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe About Jesus' Body Being 'Dissolved' Before He Was Resurrected as a Spirit? (SFBT; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer Yahoo Answers)
John 6:57
What did Jesus mean when He said, "I live because of the Father." -- John 6:57, NIV? (Elijah's Best Answer Yahoo Answers)
John 6:52-66
John 6:64 - In What Sense Did Jesus Know "From the Beginning" Who Would Betray Him? Did Judas Not Have Free Will? (SFBT); John 6:52-68: Why Did "Many" of Jesus' Disciples Stop Following Him? Is There a Lesson Here For Christians Today? (SFBT); Why did "many" of Jesus' disciples stop following him? (Elijah's Best Answer Yahoo Answers)
John 6:68
John 6:69
John 6:70
("One of you devil is") - QUAL 9-11, (and f.n.#'s 7,10) (Examining the Trinity)
John 7:16
Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT); How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT)
John 7:17
John 7:23
John 7:46
John 8:19
John 8:21,23
John 8:24
John 8:24 ("I am [he]") - I-AM (Examining the Trinity)
John 8:28
John 8:32
John 8:42
John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (SFBT); Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT); How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT)
John 8:44
John 8:48
John 8:56
How will Abraham see the Kingdom of the heavens? (jwitnessforum)
John 8:57
John 8:58
John 9:16
John 9:29
John 9:31
John 10:17,18
Did Jesus raise himself up from the dead (John 10:17-18)? (SFBT); RU - Jesus Raised Himself? (Examining the Trinity)
John 10:30
John 10:30 - In What Sense is Jesus and the Father "One"? (SFBT); In John 10:30, Jesus tells us that he and the Father are one?
(Yahoo Answers; Elijah's Best Answer); ONE - John 10:30 (Examining the Trinity); In John 10:30, does Jesus say that he and his Father are one person? (SFBT)
John 10:33
John 10:33 "a god" or "God"? (Examining the Trinity); THEON (Examining the Trinity); MY GOD 8-9; (Examining the Trinity); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); John 1:1c - English Translation: "The Word was a god." (vs. 33) (SFBT); How is John 10:33 translated in the coptic? (JWQ&A)
John 10:34
THEON (Examining the Trinity); DEF 5,15-16; (Examining the Trinity); MY GOD 8; (Examining the Trinity)
John 10:38
John 11:4
Jesus merely a man? (SFBT)
John 11:11-14
When Lazarus Died, Why Didn't Jesus Say That He Went to Heaven? (SFBT); Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT)
John 11:22
John 11:25
How important to abstain? (SFBT)
John 11:35
John 11:52
Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT)
John 12:36
Exercise faith in (SFBT)
John 12:38
John 12:41
MINOR (Scroll to Heading: "Isaiah saw his glory") (Examining the Trinity); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Should God's name “Jehovah" appear in the New Testament? (SFBT)
John 12:47
John 13:1
God...with His own blood? (SFBT)
John 13:26
John 13:31,32
John 14:1
Exercise faith in (SFBT); Bible phrase Jesus and God as separate persons? (SFBT)
John 14:2,3
Was there ever a heavenly hope held out to God’s servants prior to the coming of Christ Jesus? (SFBT)
John 14:6
John 14:7-9
Seen Me: Seen Father - John 14:7-9 (Examining the Trinity)
John 14:10
JWs an American religion? (SFBT)
John 14:14
John 14:14 and the New World Translation (SFBT); John 14:14 (DNWT); Words Omitted (John 14:14) (DNWT); What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT); Ask Who? (jwitness forum); John 14:14: To "me" or not to "me", that is the question (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses); The Sahidic Coptic of John 14:14 (JWQ&A)
John 14:17
"Holy Spirit" in the Original Greek is Neuter - "It," "Itself" are Used in the Original New Testament Greek (SFBT); Holy Spirit as a "he" (Examining the Trinity); Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
John 14:19
Return of Christ (Pastor Russell); Is Mormonism right that Jesus visited the Americas after his ascension? Part 2 (Jimspace)
John 14:28
Meizon vs. Kreitton (John 14:28 and Heb. 1:4) (Examining the Trinity; 7th heading down); LOGOS (f.n. #9; Examining the Trinity); Only Father knows day and hour (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin?(SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity?; Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT); How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT)
John 14:30
John 15:6
John 15:18,19
Why JWs persecuted? (SFBT)
John 16:7
Why, in John 16:7, is the holy spirit spoken of as a "helper"? (Examining the Trinity)
John 16:12
John 16:21
John 16:33
John 17:1-3
If the Father is the "only true God" (John 17:3), does that mean that Jesus is a false god? (SFBT); "The Only True God" (Examinimng the Trinity); John 17:3 - A Very Meaningful Scripture (SFBT); Jn 17:3 "Taking in Knowledge" (DNWT); "Knowing" or "taking in knowledge"? (jwitness forum); John 17:3 (Bible Translation and Study; 2nd Scriptural listing on page); How Does John 17:3 Show That The Trinity Doctrine is NOT a Bible Teaching? (SFBT); Gods or only one God? (SFBT); Is Jesus God or the Son of God? (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT); Any scripture that clearly defines the Trinity? (SFBT);
John 17:5
ELOHIM - Plural 'God' (See Footnote #2) (Examining the Trinity); A short exchange on PARA of John 17:5 (INDNWT); Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT)
John 17:6
Witness of Jehovah? (SFBT); How old is JW religion? (SFBT)
John 17:11
Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT)
John 17:15
John 17:16
Why JWs hated? (SFBT); Why don't JWs vote or pledge allegiance? (SFBT)
John 17:21,22
John 17:21 "are in union with me." (INDNWT); Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT); 1 John 5:7 proof of the Trinity? (SFBT); How important is it for true Christians to have unity among themselves? (vs. 22) (SFBT)
John 18:36
John 18:37
John 19:19,20
John 19:23,24
John 19:37
Zech. 12:10 "...they shall look upon me whom they have pierced." (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
John 19:38-40
John 19:40
The Shroud of Turin (SFBT)
John 20:1
Was it dark when the women arrived at the tomb? (jwitness forum); Time between Jesus' death and resurrection (SFBT)
John 20:6, 7
Is the Shroud of Turin really the materiel used to cover Jesus’ body? (SFBT); Shroud of Turin (SFBT)
John 20:17
Is Jesus God? (SFBT); Bible phrase Jesus and God as separate persons? (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT)
John 20:19
John 20:20
John 20:24
John 20:25
John 20:28
John 20:28 "My God" (DNWT); MY GOD (Examining the Trinity); Why did Thomas say "My Lord and my God" at John 20:28? (SFBT); Why did the apostle Thomas exclaim "My Lord and my God!" at John 20:28? (JWQ&A); John 20:28 - Is Jesus Given the Title 'ho theos'? (Bible Translation and Study; Scroll down to 3rd Scriptural Heading); God and gods (SFBT); How is Jesus a god? (SFBT)
John 20:29
John 20:31
Acts 1:6,7
Acts 1:8
Is the ‘speaking in tongues’ that is done today the same as that done by first-century Christians? (SFBT)
Acts 1:9
The Laws of Physics, Scripture, and Things that are Impossible for God (Jimspace); Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
Acts 1:11
Acts 1:18
Acts 2:1-4
What is the Holy Spirit? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (vs.4) (SFBT); Is the ‘speaking in tongues’ that is done today the same as that done by first-century Christians? (vs.8) (SFBT)
Acts 2:8
Is the ‘speaking in tongues’ that is done today the same as that done by first-century Christians? (SFBT)
Acts 2:14
Acts 2:17,18
Acts 2:17 "some of" (apo) (DNWT); "Every sort" (pas) (INDNWT); Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Acts 2:22
Acts 2:25-27
Does anyone ever get out of the Bible hell? (SFBT); Wicked and upright ones go to hell?; Why is the word "Hell" an unsatisfactory translation of the original Hebrew and Greek Bible words "She´ohl" and "Hai´des"? (vs. 27) (SFBT)
Acts 2:33
Acts 2:33 - Multiple Problems For the Trinity Doctrine (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really God? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (SFBT)
Acts 2:34
Acts 2:38
Acts 2:41
Acts 2:42
Acts 2:42 " taking of meals.." (INDNWT)
Acts 3:13
Acts 3:23
Soul immortal? (SFBT)
Acts 4:10-12
Acts 4:23
God...with His own blood? (SFBT)
Acts 4:24
Acts 4:24 "Sovereign Lord" (INDNWT)
Acts 5:3,4
Acts 5:3, 4 Lied to the Holy Spirit...lied to God? (SFBT); Acts 5:3 "play false" (INDNWT); The Doctrine of the Trinity and Acts 5:3, 4 (JW United); The Holy Spirit - God's Active Force (JW United)
Acts 5:27,28
Acts 5:29
Why does NWT use the word "other"? (SFBT); Why JWs hated? (SFBT); Why don't JWs vote or pledge allegiance? (SFBT)
Acts 5:30
Was Jesus Impaled on a Cross or an Upright Stake? Should the Cross Be Used in Worship to God? (SFBT)
Acts 5:31
Acts 5:42 Acts 5:42 "from house to house" (INDNWT); Does the method of preaching from house to house have its basis in the Scriptures? (SFBT)
Acts 7:32 "The God of Abraham and ..." - SHARP (f.n. #8) (Examining the Trinity)
Acts 7:45 How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT)
Acts 7:55,56 Scholars' Quotes Concerning Jesus as an Angel (SFBT); How can Jesus be God and also sit at His right hand? (SFBT); Acts 7:55 (Stephen's vision of God) - THRONE 5; I-AM 3 (Examining the Trinity)
Acts 7:59,60 Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT)
Acts 8:12 What is baptism and is it for infants? (SFBT)
Acts 8:16 Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Acts 8:29 Does Acts 8:29 prove that the Holy Spirit is a person? (SFBT)
Acts 8:30,31 Is there a difference between reading and understanding the Bible? (SFBT)
Acts 8:36-40 Should a person be baptized by a mere pouring or sprinkling or by complete immersion? (SFBT)
Acts 9:37
Acts 10:34,35
Race and Ethnicity - Does God Have a Favorite Nationality? (SFBT); JWs an American religion? (SFBT); What kind of prayers are heard by God? (SFBT)
Acts 10:36
Adding "Other" (Acts 10:36) (DNWT); Acts 10:36 'others' (INDNWT)
Acts 10:38
Acts 10:38 "Anointed with Holy Spirit" (Examining the Trinity)
Acts 11:26
Acts 11: 26 "Christians" (JWitness Forum)
Acts 12:4
Does the Word 'Easter' Belong in a Bible Translation? (Acts 12:4; KJV) (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Easter have any pagan associations?
Acts 13:2
Acts 13:2 "The holy spirit said: “...for the work to which I have called them.'” (Examining the Trinity); The Holy Spirit "speaks" at Acts 13:2 ('Reasoning From Scripture' Archive)
Acts 13:34
Acts 13:48
Acts 14:1,2
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT)
Acts 15:19-21
Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals?; Why does God regard blood important? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT); Why do JWs abstain from blood? (SFBT)
Acts 15:28,29
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses allow the use of autologous blood (autotransfusion), such as by having their own blood stored and later put back into them? (SFBT); How important to abstain? (SFBT); Eat red meat? (SFBT); Eating blood different from transfusions? (SFBT); Abstaining from blood relevant today? (SFBT); Only about blood used in pagan rituals? (SFBT); Is Refusal of Blood Suicide? (SFBT); Are JWs correct for refusing blood? (SFBT); Abstain from blood only meant for Mosaic law? (SFBT); Why do JWs abstain from blood? (SFBT); Could a Christian Have Any Grounds to Ignore The Prohibition on Blood? (SFBT)
Acts 16:16-18
Acts 16:31-33
Saved? (SFBT)
Acts 17:11
Acts 17:19,20
How old is JW religion? (SFBT)
Acts 17:26
Where Do the Different Races Come From? (SFBT); Race and Ethnicity - Does God Have a Favorite Nationality? (SFBT); Where Did Cain Get His Wife? (SFBT)
Acts 17:27,28
Is God still interested in us? (SFBT); How should the Source of human life affect our view of abortion? (SFBT); Acts 17:27, 28 ("In Him We Live") - IN/WITH 4 (Examining the Trinity)
Acts 19:2
Acts 19:11
Acts 19:31
Asiarches (Acts 19:31) (DNWT)
Acts 20:20
Acts 20:28
Acts 20:28 ("God...with his own blood") (DNWT); ACTS 20:28 (In Defense of the NWT); Does Acts 20:28 really say that God bought the church with his "own" blood? (SFBT); Acts 20:28 ("God...with his own blood") (Examining the Trinity); A Response to Alleged New World Translation "Errors" (Jehovah's Witnesses United); "The Sahidic Coptic version...does not speak of 'the church of God which he purchased with his own blood,' (Acts 20:28) (NWT and Coptic); God bought church with His own blood?; (SFBT); How does the 2nd/3rd century Sahidic Coptic version translate this text? (JWQ&A); Does God have blood (Acts 20:28)? (jwitness forum
Acts 21:25
Acts 22:20
Acts 24:15
What scriptures show that people that died will have a second chance and not just a judgment as soon as they are resurrected? (JWQ&A); What happens after death? (SFBT); Hell (SFBT); Only JWs be saved? (SFBT); What are some practical suggestions for those who have lost a loved one in death? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Acts 24:23
God...with His own blood? (SFBT)
Acts 28:25
Acts 28:25 "The holy spirit aptly spoke through Isaiah" (Examining the Trinity)
Rom. 1:8
#5 of article (SFBT)
Rom. 1:20,21
Does God really exist? (SFBT); Big Bang Theory (SFBT)
Rom. 2:14,15
Rom. 3:15
Rom. 3:19
How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (SFBT); What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Rom. 3:30
Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT)
Rom. 4:3
Rom. 5:12
Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (SFBT); How Jesus saves (SFBT); Why Do Animals Die if They Don't Sin? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); What is the purpose of life? (SFBT)
Rom. 5:17
What happens after death? (SFBT)
Rom. 5:19
Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (SFBT); How Jesus saves; What happens after death? (SFBT)
Rom. 6:4-6
Rom. 6:7
Rom. 6:10
Rom. 6:23
Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (SFBT); Why Do Animals Die if They Don't Sin? (SFBT); How Jesus saves (SFBT)
Rom. 7:2,3
Rom. 7:11
How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (SFBT); What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Rom. 8:1
Words Omitted (Romans 8:1) (DNWT); NYN ["now"] at Romans 8:1 New World Translation (INDWT); Romans 8:1 "now no condemnation" or "no condemnation? (Bible Translation and Study)
Rom. 8:11
Romans 8:11 mortal bodies made alive? (JWitness Forum)
Rom. 8:16
"Holy Spirit" in the Original Greek is Neuter - "It," "Itself" are Used in the Original New Testament Greek (SFBT); Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
Rom. 8:19,22
Rom. 8:26
Holy Spirit an "it"? (SFBT)
Rom. 8:27
Rom. 8:27 (phronema) (INDNWT); Rom. 8:27 - Why is the Greek word translated differently in the NWT? (Jehovah's Witnesses United); Rom. 8:27 "Mind of the Spirit" (Examining the Trinity)
Rom. 8:29
Instance of prototkos in NT (SFBT)
Rom. 8:32
Adding "Other" (Rom. 8:32) (DNWT)
Rom. 8:34
Rom. 8:38,39
Can Anything “Separate Us From God’s Love”? (pastorrussell)
Rom. 9:5
ROM. 9:5 - " ... Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen." - KJV (DNWT); AO - Speaker Confusion (Listing #6) (Examining the Trinity); Is Rom. 9:5 really proof that Jesus is God? - " ... Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for ever. Amen." - KJV (SFBT); ROMANS 9:5: Is the Christ here "God"? (IDNWT); "God Over All" in Romans 9:5: Translation Issues and Theological Import (JW United); "The Coptic text of Romans 9:5 has some ambiguity, it appears to be less so than the Greek, and points clearly to two entities -- Christ and God" (Sahidic Coptic Insight on NT Verses)
Rom. 9:6
Rom. 9:6 - "For Not All Who [Spring] From Israel Are Really 'Israel.'” (SFBT); Jehovah's witnesses - What is the meaning of Rom 9:6? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Rom. 9:17 What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Rom. 9:20,21
Rom. 10:1,2
Rom. 10:9,10
Romans 10:9,10 "homologeo" (INDNWT)
Rom. 10:13
How Was God's Name (YHWH) Pronounced? (SFBT); How does putting faith in Christ relate to calling on the name of Jehovah? (JWQ&A)
Rom. 10:16
#5 of article (SFBT)
Rom. 11:1,2
Has God rejected the children of Israel according to the Bible? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Rom. 13:1
Rom. 13:1 - Defense of the NWT (INDNWT); How important is it for true Christians to have unity among themselves? (SFBT); Wedding rings and calendars? (SFBT); Why don't JWs vote or pledge allegiance? (SFBT)
Rom. 13:12-14
New Year's (SFBT); Should Christians celebrate holidays? (SFBT); Why wedding anniversaries acceptable but not birthdays? (SFBT)
Rom. 14:1
Rom. 14:5,6
Examining Romans 14:6 (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Rom. 14:21
Eat red meat? (SFBT)
Rom. 15:9
Rom. 16:18
Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Rom. 16:19
#5 of article (SFBT)
1 Corinthians
1 Cor. 1:10
1 Cor. 1:24
1 Cor. 2:7
1 Cor. 2:11-16
How man made in God's Image? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 3:8
Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 4:9
1 Cor. 5:5,6
What is expelling (disfellowshiping) and why is/was it used in the Christian congregation? (SFBT); Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT); Reinstatement? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 5:6
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if holiday has pagan associations?; Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 5:7
Jesus is our "passover" (SFBT); Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 5:8
Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 5:11
Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT); Why is Paganism despicable? (SFBT); Important if holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); To what extent should Christians avoid fellowship with disfellowshipped ones? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 5:13
Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT); To what extent should Christians avoid fellowship with disfellowshipped ones? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 6:9,10
1 Cor. 7:12,13
1 Cor. 7:36
"Virginity" at 1 Cor. 7:36 (DNWT)
1 Cor. 7:39
1 Cor. 8:4
Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 8:5,6
How was it that "all things were made through (Jesus)"? (Vs. 6) (SFBT); 'Unitized Title' Vs. 'Title with Identifiers' (1 Cor. 8:6) (Examining the Trinity); 1 Cor. 8:5,6 ("To us one God, the Father") - TC 6-7 (and f.n.'s #4, 6); BWF 3-4 ("source")
1 Cor. 8:8
1 Cor. 8:11,12
1 Cor. 8:13
Eat red meat? (SFBT); Blood as Medicine And The Role of Your Conscience (SFBT)
1 Cor. 9:22
1 Cor. 10:4
1 Cor. 10:4 - "that rock-mass meant the Christ" (INDNWT); 1 Corinthians 10:4 "Rock" or "rockmass" (JWitness Forum)
1 Cor. 10:5-7
1 Cor. 10:14
To pledge? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 10:21,22
1 Cor. 10:25
1 Cor. 10:26
1 Cor. 10:27
1 Cor. 10:28
Easter have any pagan associations? (SFBT); Blood as Medicine And The Role of Your Conscience (SFBT)
1 Cor. 10:29
1 Cor. 10:30
1 Cor. 10:31
1 Cor. 11:3
LOGOS, f.n. #9 (Examining the Trinity); God head over Jesus (SFBT); Only Father knows day and hour (SFBT); Is Jesus God? (SFBT); Bible phrase Jesus and God as separate persons? (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT); Does Col. 2:9 prove that Jesus is God? (SFBT); Is God Always Superior to Jesus? (SFBT); How can Jesus be God when the scriptures clearly show how Jesus and God are NOT co-equal in knowledge? (SFBT); Why does Paul tell Christian women to wear a head covering? (JWQ&A);
What is the spiritual significance of a woman wearing a head covering? (JWQ&A);
"While not permitted to teach in congregational assembly, a woman could teach persons outside the congregation who desired to learn the truth of the Bible as well as be a `teacher of what is good' to younger women (and children) within the congregation." (Tit. 2:3-5) (JWQ&A)
1 Cor. 11:4-13
1 Cor. 11:4
Lattimore's notes concerning prophesies (SFBT); JWs ever claim to be inspired prophets? (SFBT); Why does Paul tell Christian women to wear a head covering? (JWQ&A);
What is the spiritual significance of a woman wearing a head covering? (JWQ&A);
"While not permitted to teach in congregational assembly, a woman could teach persons outside the congregation who desired to learn the truth of the Bible as well as be a `teacher of what is good' to younger women (and children) within the congregation." (Tit. 2:3-5) (JWQ&A)
1 Cor. 11:6
Did Jesus have long hair? (SFBT); Why does Paul tell Christian women to wear a head covering? (JWQ&A);
What is the spiritual significance of a woman wearing a head covering? (JWQ&A);
"While not permitted to teach in congregational assembly, a woman could teach persons outside the congregation who desired to learn the truth of the Bible as well as be a `teacher of what is good' to younger women (and children) within the congregation." (Tit. 2:3-5) (JWQ&A)
1 Cor. 11:14,15
Did Jesus have long hair? (SFBT); Because 1 Cor. 11:14, 15 is concerned about women having longer hair than men, does this mean that women should only have long hair? (JWQ&A); Why does Paul tell Christian women to wear a head covering? (JWQ&A);
What is the spiritual significance of a woman wearing a head covering? (JWQ&A);
"While not permitted to teach in congregational assembly, a woman could teach persons outside the congregation who desired to learn the truth of the Bible as well as be a `teacher of what is good' to younger women (and children) within the congregation." (Tit. 2:3-5) (JWQ&A)
1 Cor. 11:24,25
"Is" Translated as "Means" (estin) (DNWT); Does Paul's use of the word "often" mean that the Lord’s Evening Meal should be celebrated more often than once a year? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 12:4
1 Cor. 12:8
1 Cor. 12:11
1 Cor. 12:11 "The holy spirit wills" (Examining the Trinity); Do scriptures personifying the "Holy Spirit" mean that it is a person? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 13:2, 8-11
"Church" established by 100 A.D. and all inspired scriptures already been written (SFBT); Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 13:12
1 Cor. 13:4
How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (SFBT); What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 13:8-10
Is the ‘speaking in tongues’ that is done today the same as that done by first-century Christians? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 14:1
1 Cor. 14:12-16
1 Cor. 14:33
1 Cor. 14:34,35
Are 1 Tim. 2:12-14 and 1 Cor. 14:34-35 really referring to women being totally silent with a man about the Scriptures? (SFBT); Are 1 Tim. 2:12-14 and 1 Cor. 14:34-35 really referring to women being totally quiet or even speaking to a man about the scriptures? (JWQ&A); Should women speak? (jwitness forum)
1 Cor. 15:2
1 Cor. 15:2 "being saved" (INDNWT)
1 Cor. 15:3-8
1 Cor. 15:20
Was there ever a heavenly hope held out to God’s servants prior to the coming of Christ Jesus? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 15:21,22
Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (SFBT); How Jesus saves (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Does not the expression “in Christ shall all be made alive” include Adam? (vs.22; pastorrussell, scroll down)
1 Cor. 15:23
Presence (SFBT)
1 Cor. 15:28
Does the New World Translation Add Words to Colossians 1:16, 17? (Bible Translation and Study); Who will Jesus be always subject to?
(Elijah's Best Answer Yahoo Answers)
1 Cor. 15:29
"Baptism for Dead" (DNWT)
1 Cor. 15:41
1 Cor. 15:44
What is an angel? (SFBT); RAISED IN SPIRIT (JWitness forum)
1 Cor. 15:45
Soul Immortal? (SFBT); Animals souls? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 15:50
The Laws of Physics, Scripture, and Things that are Impossible for God (Jimspace); What is an angel? (SFBT)
1 Cor. 15:51
2 Corinthians
2 Cor. 1:3
Jesus has a God (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 2:5-11
Reinstatement? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 2:11
2 Cor. 3:17
2 Cor. 3:17 "The Lord is the Spirit." (Examining the Trinity)
2 Cor. 4:2
2 Cor. 4:4
2 Cor. 4:4 "Christ, who is the image of God" (Examining the Trinity); Image (Examining the Trinity); Is Satan really the ruler of the world? (SFBT); Does Gen. 1:26 prove Trinity? (SFBT); Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 4:7
What is the Holy Spirit? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 5:1
2 Cor. 5:1 (exomen) (INDNWT)
2 Cor. 5:7
2 Cor. 5:16
2 Cor. 6:3,4
Did Jesus have long hair? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 6:6
2 Cor. 6:14-17
New Year's (SFBT); Jesus die on Cross? (SFBT); JWs celebrate anything? (SFBT); Why don't JWs celebrate birthdays? (SFBT); Christmas' origins and associations(SFBT); Important if holiday has pagan associations? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); Christmas have any pagan associations? (SFBT); Halloween have any pagan associations? (SFBT); St Patrick's day have any pagan associations? (SFBT); St. Valentines' day? (SFBT); Easter (SFBT); Thanksgiving (SFBT); Should Christians celebrate birthdays? (SFBT); Should Idols / Icons be used in worship? (vs.16) (SFBT)
2 Cor. 6:18
2 Cor. 7:1
Smoking a sin? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 7:8-13
Reinstatement? (SFBT)
2 Cor. 8:12
2 Cor. 9:7
2 Cor. 11:3-6
2 Cor. 11:13
2 Cor. 11:14
Should a Christian dabble in dowsing? (SFBT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
2 Cor. 11:15
2 Cor. 13:8
2 Cor. 13:14
2 Cor. 13:14 "the sharing in" (INDNWT); 2 Cor.13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit" (SFBT); HS fn. #13 (Examining the Trinity); 2 Cor. 13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit" (Examining the Trinity); 2 Cor.13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit" (Examining the Trinity)
Gal. 1:8,9
History of the Trinity Doctrine, Notes (Examining the Trinity, Footnote #166)
Gal. 3:8
Gal. 3:20
Is God comprised of three persons, or is He just one person? (SFBT); ONE - John 10:30 (Examining the Trinity)
Gal. 3:26,27
#6 of article (SFBT)
Gal. 4:4
Gal. 5:6
#6 of article (SFBT)
Gal. 5:19-21
New Year's (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Gal. 5:22,23
Eph. 1:17,18
Eph. 1:3
Jesus has a God (SFBT)
Eph. 2:8,9
Eph. 4:4,5
How to choose a religion? (SFBT); Choosing a religion-does it matter? (SFBT); Is there one true religion? (SFBT); Jesus and Father one person? (SFBT); JWs believe their religion only right one? (SFBT); How important is it for true Christians to have unity among themselves? (SFBT)
Eph. 4:6
Is God the Father? (SFBT); How important is it for true Christians to have unity among themselves? (SFBT)
Eph. 4:12
Eph. 4:12 (katartismos) (INDNWT); How important is it for true Christians to have unity among themselves? (SFBT)
Eph. 4:13
Eph. 4:17
Eph. 4:29
Eph. 4:30
Eph. 4:30 "Do not grieve the Holy Spirit" (Examining the Trinity); How can we grieve God’s holy spirit, since it is not a person? (w04 5/15 pp. 29-31); How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (SFBT); What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
Eph. 4:31
Eph. 5:3-5
What Does the Bible Say About Cursing, Profanity, Cussing, Abusive Speech and Obscenities? (SFBT); Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Eph. 5:5
Eph. 5:5 (Examining the Trinity); SHARP'S RULE - Pt 1 (Examining the Trinity); SHARP'S Rule - Pt 2 (Endnotes) (Examining the Trinity); 'Sharp's Rule' Primer (Examining the Trinity); Sharp's Rule (A response to a major accusation made by Robert H. Countess) (DNWT); Titus 2:13 "Sharp's Rule" (DNWT); Trinitarian Apologetics: A Case Study Involving Rob Bowman and Granville Sharp (Jehovah's Witnesses United)
Eph. 5:10
Singing Christmas carols? (SFBT)
Eph. 5:18
Phil. 1:21-23
Phil. 2:3
Phil. 2:6
PHIL 2:6; Part 2 - Notes (Examining the Trinity); NWT - Criticism by Zondervan's So Many Versions? - "[Other]" and Phil. 2:6 (DNWT); New World Translation and Philippians 2:6 (INDNWT); What does it mean when Phil. 2:6 says that Jesus was in God's form? (SFBT); Huparchon (or `Uparchon') - Does the word `being' in Philippians 2:6 [KJV], really literally mean `remaining or not ceasing to be'? (SFBT); God and gods (SFBT)
Phil. 2:7
What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe About Jesus' Body Being 'Dissolved' Before He Was Resurrected as a Spirit? (Phil. 2:7-10) (SFBT); Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (SFBT)
Phil. 2:9
Adding "Other" (Phil. 2:9) (DNWT); Does Jehovah bow to Jesus? (jwitness forum);
Phil. 2:12
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT); Is baptism a requirement for salvation? (SFBT)
Phil. 3:18,19
Gods or only one God? (SFBT)
Phil. 4:8,9
Proper entertainment? (SFBT)
Col. 1:3
Jesus has a God (SFBT)
Col. 1:13,14
Col. 1:15
BWF - 'Beginning,' 'Wisdom,' and 'Firstborn' (Col. 1:15) (Examining the Trinity); Is Colossians 1:15 really saying that Jesus Christ is the "FIRSTBORN of all creation"? (SFBT); Col. 1:15 "Firstborn of all creation" (Examining the Trinity); Col. 1:15 in the NWT (INDNWT); Wes Williams' Response to Dr. Keay on "Firstborn of all Creation." (JW United)
Col. 1:16,17
Why does the New World Translation use the word "other" at Col. 1:16? (SFBT); Does the New World Translation Add Words to Colossians 1:16, 17? (Bible Translation and Study); Why does the New World Translation employ the word "other" in verses 16, 17 and 20? (INDNWT); NWT - "Other" at Col. 1:16; (SFBT); NWT - "Other" at Col. 1:16 (DNWT); Was Jesus a created being (Col 1: 16)? (jwitness forum); Does Gen. 1:26 prove Trinity? (SFBT); IN and WITH in the NT (Col. 1:16) (Examining the Trinity) Firstborn of all creation? (SFBT); How man made in God's image? (SFBT); Did Jesus have pre-human existence? (SFBT); Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); Is Jesus God or the Son of God? (SFBT); Is Jesus God? (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT); Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT)
Col. 1:18
Instance of prototokos in NT (SFBT)
Col. 1:19
Words Omitted (Col. 1:19) (DNWT)
Col. 2:9
Why does the NWT at Col. 2:9 state that in Jesus "all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily," where as other translations state that in Jesus "dwells the fullness of Deity or the Godhead?'"; (DNWT) Does Col. 2:9 prove that Jesus is God? (SFBT); Col. 2:9 - "Fulness of Deity" (Examining the Trinity); "Theotes simply does not literally mean "godhead," and the use of "godhead" by the KJV translators was not intended as some would understand it today..." (JWQ&A); "The Fullness of the Divine Quality" in Colossians 2:9 (Bible Translation and Study)
Col. 2:12
Col. 2:16
Col. 3:5
Col. 3:8
Col. 3:10
How man made in God's image? (SFBT)
1 Thessalonians
1 Thess. 1:9
Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); Christmas have any pagan associations? (SFBT); Halloween have any pagan associations? (SFBT); St Patrick's day have any pagan associations? (SFBT); St. Valentine's day? (SFBT); Easter (SFBT); Thanksgiving (SFBT)
1 Thess. 2:19
Presence (SFBT)
1 Thess. 4:13,14
Does the Bible Liken Death to Sleep? (SFBT); What are some practical suggestions for those who have lost a loved one in death? (SFBT)
1 Thess. 4:15
Presence (SFBT)
1 Thess. 4:16
Quotes From Scholars Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel (SFBT); Are Jehovah's Witnesses the first to reason that Jesus is Michael the Archangel? (SFBT); What is the Archangel and is there more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT); If there is only one archangel, why does the word "an" appear before the word "archangel" at 1 Thess. 4:16 implying that there is more than one? (JWQ&A); Who is Michael the Archangel? (jwitness forum); Jesus and Michael the Archangel - the same person? (SFBT); Where does it show in the Bible that Jesus is Michael the archangel? (SFBT); "It has never been that we see Jesus as "only" the archangel." (Modern example also included) (JWQ&A); Is Jesus Christ Michael the Archangel? (pastorrussell); Who is the Archangel Michael? (Bible Translation and Study); Biblical and Historical Views of Christ as an Angel (Jehovah's Witnesses United); Angels as Jehovah's Representatives - Is Jesus Christ Michael the Archangel? (Jehovah's Witnesses United); High Angel Christology: Is Jesus Christ Michael the Archangel? (Jehovah's Witnesses Redefended)
1 Thess. 4:17
What is the "Rapture" and is it a Bible Teaching? (SFBT); When the apostle Paul said that Christians would be "caught up" to be with the Lord, what subject was being discussed? (SFBT); Who are the ones that will be `caught up in the clouds,' as stated at 1 Thessalonians 4:17? (JWQ&A)
1 Thess. 5:3
What is this saying of “Peace and security”? Who says it? And what destruction comes immediately afterward? (Elijah's Yahoo Answers Best Answer)
1 Thess. 5:9
1 Thess. 5:17
"How can one pray without ever ceasing?" (JWQ&A); "How can one pray without ever ceasing?" AP (JWQ&A)
1 Thess. 5:23
Presence (SFBT); "The word spirit in the Bible applies at times to the "mental inclination" and not "always" to the life force". (JWQ&A); Definition of "presence" (JWQ&A)
2 Thessalonians
2 Thess. 1:6-8
Great tribulation extensive? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
2 Thess. 1:9
Some will never be saved? (SFBT); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT); Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT)
2 Thess. 1:11
2 Thess. 1:12
SHARP'S RULE - Pt 1 (Examining the Trinity); SHARP'S Rule - Pt 2 (Endnotes) (Examining the Trinity); 'Sharp's Rule' Primer (Examining the Trinity); Sharp's Rule (A response to a major accusation made by Robert H. Countess) (DNWT); Titus 2:13 "Sharp's Rule" (DNWT); Trinitarian Apologetics: A Case Study Involving Rob Bowman and Granville Sharp (Jehovah's Witnesses United)
2 Thess. 2:1-3
Is the presence of Christ the same as Jehovah’s Day? (Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
2 Thess. 2:8
Presence (SFBT)
2 Thess. 2:15
2 Thess. 3:6
Why does the NWT give preference to the word "tradition" at 2 Thess. 3:6?; (DNWT) What is expelling (disfellowshiping) and why is/was it used in the Christian congregation? (SFBT); Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT)
2 Thess. 3:11
What is expelling (disfellowshiping) and why is/was it used in the Christian congregation? (SFBT); Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT)
2 Thess. 3:13-15
What is expelling (disfellowshiping) and why is/was it used in the Christian congregation? (SFBT); Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT)
1 Timothy
1 Tim. 1:19,20
1 Tim. 2:5,6
1 Timothy 2:5 - How Can Jesus Possibly Be God Himself When Scripture says that Jesus is Mediator Between Man and God? (SFBT); Do Jehovah's Witnesses accept Jesus Christ as their mediator as per 1 Timothy 2:5? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); How can Jesus be mediator between God and man if he is God himself? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer); From the Fall to the Ascent (Jimspace); 1 Tim 2:5 - Is Jesus a "man"? (JWitness Forum); Why did Jesus have to sacrifice his life? - What is the Ransom? (SFBT); How Jesus saves (SFBT)
1 Tim. 2:9
Did Jesus have long hair? (SFBT)
1 Tim. 2:11-14
Are 1 Tim. 2:12-14 and 1 Cor. 14:34-35 really referring to women being totally silent with a man about the Scriptures? (SFBT); Are 1 Tim. 2:12-14 and 1 Cor. 14:34-35 really referring to women being totally quiet or even speaking to a man about the scriptures? (JWQ&A); Should women speak? (1 Tim. 2:11-13) (jwitness forum)
1 Tim. 3:1
1 Tim. 3:2,11
Is 1 Tim. 3:2 specifically referring to avoiding the practice of polygamy or is it referring to someone being divorced for unscriptural reasons and then remarrying? (JWQ&A); New Year's (SFBT)
1 Tim. 3:8
1 Tim. 3:15
1 Tim. 3:16
1 Tim. 3:16 God "manifest in the flesh" KJV (Examining the Trinity); How does the 2nd/3rd century Sahidic Coptic version translate this text? (JWQ&A); Did God become flesh (1 Tim 3: 16)? (jwitness forum)
1 Tim. 4:1
1 Tim. 4:15
1 Tim. 5:21
SHARP'S RULE - Pt 1 (Examining the Trinity); SHARP'S Rule - Pt 2 (Endnotes) (Examining the Trinity); 'Sharp's Rule' Primer (Examining the Trinity); Sharp's Rule (A response to a major accusation made by Robert H. Countess) (DNWT); Titus 2:13 "Sharp's Rule" (DNWT); Trinitarian Apologetics: A Case Study Involving Rob Bowman and Granville Sharp (Jehovah's Witnesses United); 2 Cor.13:14 "Jesus", "God", "and the...Holy Spirit"
1 Tim. 6:15, 16
What Do Jehovah's Witnesses Believe About Jesus' Body Being 'Dissolved' Before He Was Resurrected as a Spirit? (SFBT); Is 1 Tim. 6: 15, 16 talking about Jesus? (jwitness forum)
2 Timothy
2 Tim. 3:1
Great tribulation extensive? (SFBT)
2 Tim. 3:13-15
2 Tim. 3:16
When 2 Tim. 3:16 says, "All Scripture is inspired of God", does this include the New Testament? (SFBT); Watchtower's writings are not inspired as are those of Bible writers (SFBT); Genesis believable? (SFBT); How to choose a religion? (SFBT); WBTS ever claimed infallibility? (SFBT)
2 Tim. 4:3,4
Titus 1:12
Prophet (SFBT)
Titus 1:15
What does this scripture mean? (JWQ&A)
Titus 2:13
SHARP'S RULE - Pt 1 (Examining the Trinity); SHARP'S Rule - Pt 2 (Endnotes) (Examining the Trinity); 'Sharp's Rule' Primer (Examining the Trinity); Sharp's Rule (A response to a major accusation made by Robert H. Countess) (DNWT); Titus 2:13 "Sharp's Rule"; (DNWT); Trinitarian Apologetics: A Case Study Involving Rob Bowman and Granville Sharp (Jehovah's Witnesses United)
Titus 3:6
Titus 3:10,11
Hebrews Chap. 1
Heb. 1:2
Heb. 1:3
Heb. 1:3 `He [Jesus] is the reflection of his [God's] glory' (Examining the Trinity); Heb. 1:3 / Isa. 42:8 Does Jesus really share Jehovah's Glory? (Examining the Trinity)
Heb. 1:4
Meizon vs. Kreitton (John 14:28 and Heb. 1:4) (Examining the Trinity; 7th heading down)
Heb. 1:5
Heb. 1:6
g00 4/8 26-27; it-2 524(Watchtower Online Library); Heb. 1:6 "All angels of God worship him" KJV (Examining the Trinity) Worship (as used in Scripture) (Examining the Trinity); Worship or Obeisance? (Bible Translation and Study); PROSKYNEO-Always "Worship"? (In Defense of The New World Translation); Heb. 1:6 - "Let all the angels of God worship him [Jesus]." (JWQ&A); Heb. 1:6 "All angels of God worship him" KJV (SFBT); Should we worship Jesus (Hebrews 1: 6; Matthew 1:2)? (jwitness forum); Did Jehovah's Witnesses worship Jesus prior to 1954? (jwitnessforum); Instance of prototokos in NT (SFBT)
Heb. 1:7
Heb. 1:8
Heb. 1:8 "Thy Throne O God" (Examining the Trinity); Hebrews 1:8 "Thy throne, O God" (DNWT); Psalms 45:6(NIV)"Your throne, O God, will last for ever and ever; a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom." (Yahoo Answers); Heb. 1:8 (INDNWT); The Throne of God (Jimspace); George Wesley Buchanan and Hebrews 1 (INDNWT)
Heb. 1:13
Heb. 1:14
Heb. 2:7-9
Heb. 2:9
Heb. 3:4
Does God really exist? (SFBT); Big Bang Theory (SFBT)
Heb. 3:18,19
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT)
Heb. 4:8
Heb. 5:7
Heb. 5:9
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT)
Heb. 6:18
Heb. 7:1-3
Heb. 9:24
Was there ever a heavenly hope held out to God’s servants prior to the coming of Christ Jesus? (SFBT)
Heb. 9:26
Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT); Is Fasting for Christians? (SFBT)
Heb. 9:27
Heb. 9:28
Heb. 10:26,27
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT) What is the difference between "Everlasting sin" and "Unforgivable sin" as in blasphemy against the Holy Spirit? (Yahoo Answers)
Heb. 11:1
Heb. 11:4
Who was Abel? (SFBT)
Heb. 11:28
Instance of prototokos in NT (SFBT)
Heb. 12:1
Witness of Jehovah? (SFBT); How old is JW religion? (SFBT)
Heb. 12:9
How man made in God's image? (SFBT)
Heb. 12:11
Reinstatement? (SFBT)
Heb. 12:23
Instance of prototokos in NT (SFBT)
Heb. 13:4
James 1:14,15
James 2:17
Faith w/o works is dead (SFBT)
James 2:21-23
#7 of article (SFBT)
James 2:25
What is an angel? (SFBT)
James 5:7,8
Presence (SFBT)
James 5:16
James 5:20
1 Peter
1 Pet. 1:3
Is Jesus God? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 1:10-12 Why have there been changes over the years in the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 1:11 1 Peter 1:11 "spirit of Christ." (INDNWT)
1 Pet. 1:12 Are angels interested in the actions of humans? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 1:24,25 What Greek text was used for the NWT? How were the textual variations reconciled? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 2:2 Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT)
1 Pet. 2:3 1 Pet 2:3 (DNWT); 1 Peter 2:3 ("Lord") (INDNWT)
1 Pet. 2:9,10 To Whom Do Peter's Words (1 Peter 2:9,10) Apply? (JW United)
1 Pet. 3:3
Did Jesus have long hair? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 3:6
1 Pet. 3:12
1 Pet. 3:15
1 Pet. 3:18
1 Pet. 3:19,20
Who were the "spirits" spoken of in 1 Pet. 3:18-20? (jwitness forum); Who were the Nephilim? (SFBT); Who were the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:2? (SFBT)
1 Pet. 3:22
1 Pet. 4:2
1 Pet. 4:3,4
Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT); New Year's (SFBT); Christmas' origins and associations (SFBT); Why JWs persecuted? (SFBT); Christmas have any pagan associations? (SFBT)
2 Peter
2 Pet. 1:1
Trinity "Proof Texts"SHARP'S RULE - Pt 1 (Examining the Trinity); SHARP'S Rule - Pt 2 (Endnotes) (Examining the Trinity); 'Sharp's Rule' Primer (Examining the Trinity); Sharp's Rule (A response to a major accusation made by Robert H. Countess) (DNWT); Trinitarian Apologetics: A Case Study Involving Rob Bowman and Granville Sharp (Jehovah's Witnesses United)
2 Pet. 1:3,4
Divine Nature (JWQ&A)
2 Pet. 1:16
NWT - Parousia ("Presence") (DNWT); PAROUSIA: "coming" or "presence"-Which? (INDNWT); Presence (SFBT)
2 Pet. 2:2
2 Pet. 2:4,5
2 Pet. 2:12
2 Pet. 3:4
Presence (SFBT)
2 Pet. 3:5,6
From what source was the Flood of Noah’s day? (SFBT); Did the Great Flood of Noah's Day Really Happen? (SFBT)
2 Pet. 3:7
2 Pet. 3:10
2 Pet. 3:11,12
2 Pet. 3:13
New order of righteousness (SFBT)
2 Pet. 3:18
Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior; (SFBT); Title Confusion Trick "Saviour" (Examining the Trinity)
1 John
1 John 2:1
1 John 2:17
1 John 2:18,19
Antichrist (SFBT)
1 John 2:22
Antichrist (SFBT)
1 John 2:28
Presence (SFBT)
1 John 3:6
1 John 3:15
1 John 3:22
1 John 4:1
Inspired Expression (1 John 4:1-6) (DNWT); Deceived - The Importance of Making Sure What is Accurate (SFBT)
1 John 4:3
Antichrist (SFBT)
1 John 4:8
QUAL ("Qualitative" John 1:1c) (Examining the Trinity); Why does God permit suffering? (SFBT)
1 John 4:9
Addressing the Trintarian Claim That MonoGENES ("Only-BEGOTTEN") Means "The Only One of a Class or Kind" (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT)
1 John 4:12
"No Man Has Seen the Father" (SFBT); How man made in God's Image? (SFBT); Why did Thomas say "My Lord and my God" at John 20:28? (SFBT)
1 John 5:1
How do Jehovah's Witnesses interpret 1 John 5:1 in light of John 3?
(Y/A; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
1 John 5:3
1 John 5:5
1 John 5:7
The 'Johannine Comma' - 1 John 5:7 (INDNWT); But Your Bible's Been Changed! (From God's Word); Newton proved that the words in 1 John 5:7 were spurious... (Pastor Russell); 1 John 5:7 (KJV) (Examining the Trinity); How does the accuracy of the New World Translation Bible compare to other translations? (SFBT); 1 John 5:7 proof of the Trinity? (SFBT); "Word" and 1 John 5:7, KJV ("Oneness") (JWQ&A); "Jehovah" in the New Testament (end notes) (SFBT, 10th par. end note #1, 10th par. "Zondervan");
1 John 5:8
1 John 5:8 (Examining the Trinity); Trinitarian reasoning - water and blood persons too? (SFBT); How can the Holy Spirit be "grieved"? (SFBT); What about scriptures that seem to show the Holy Spirit being personified? (SFBT)
1 John 5:14
1 John 5:16
"Sin that does not incur death"? (JWQ&A)
1 John 5:19
Is Satan really the ruler of the world? (SFBT); Why don't JWs vote or pledge allegiance? (SFBT); Why JWs persecuted? (SFBT)
1 John 5:20
Translating "In" (DNWT); 1 John 5:20 "True God" (DNWT); 1 John 5:20 "We are in him that is true, even in his Son, Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life." - KJV (Examining the Trinity); 1 John 5:20 (INDNWT); "The Only True God" (Examining the Trinity) If the Father is the "only true God" (John 17:3), does that mean that Jesus is a false god? (SFBT)
1 John 5:21
To pledge? (SFBT); Should Idols / Icons be used in worship? (SFBT)
2 John
2 John 1
2 John 7
Antichrist (SFBT)
2 John 10
Jude 5
Once saved, always saved? (SFBT)
Jude 6
Jude 9
In Jude 9, why couldn't Michael the Archangel make a judgement against the Devil? (SFBT); Quotes From Scholars Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel (SFBT); Are Jehovah's Witnesses the first to reason that Jesus is Michael the Archangel? (SFBT); What is the Archangel and is there more than one? (SFBT); Does the Definition of "Archangel" Help Indicate Whether There is More Than One? (SFBT); Jesus and Michael the Archangel - the same person? (SFBT); Where does it show in the Bible that Jesus is Michael the archangel? (SFBT); "It has never been that we see Jesus as "only" the archangel." (Modern example also included) (JWQ&A); Did Satan have more power than Michael according to the account at Jude 9? (SFBT); Is Jesus Christ Michael the Archangel? (pastorrussell); Who is the Archangel Michael? (Bible Translation and Study); Biblical and Historical Views of Christ as an Angel (Jehovah's Witnesses United); Angels as Jehovah's Representatives - Is Jesus Christ Michael the Archangel? (Jehovah's Witnesses United); High Angel Christology: Is Jesus Christ Michael the Archangel? (Jehovah's Witnesses Redefended)
Jude 25
Isa. 43:11 / 2 Pet. 3:18 Jehovah only Savior; Jesus Savior (SFBT); TC - Title Confusion Trick (Examining the Trinity)
Rev. 1:1
Rev. 1:1 (eshmanen) (INDNWT)
Rev. 1:4
Rev. 1:5
Instance of prototokos in NT (SFBT)
Rev. 1:6
Rev. 1:7
In what sense will the son of Man be seen? (horáo) (JWQ&A); Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT); Why did jehovah witnesses say jesus was invisible when it clearly says in the bible he will be visible? (Yahoo Answers; Bar_Anerges' Best Answer)
Rev. 1:8
Do Jesus and Jehovah Share the Same Title of "Alpha and Omega"? (SFBT); Rev. 1:8 "Alpha and Omega" (Examining the Trinity)
Rev. 1:9
Rev. 1:10
What, then, is "the Lord's day"? (JWQ&A)
Rev. 1:13
Son of Man Reaps - Like an Angel (SFBT);
Rev. 1:16
Rev. 1:17
Isa. 44:6 / Rev. 1:17 "First and the Last" (SFBT); Title Confusion Trick - "First and Last" (Is. 44:6; Rev. 1:17) (Examining the Trinity)
Rev. 1:20
Rev. 2:1
Rev. 2:5
What is expelling (disfellowshiping) and why is/was it used in the Christian congregation? (SFBT); Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT); Reinstatement? (SFBT)
Rev. 2:10
"Be faithful until death" (SFBT)
Rev. 2:14-16
Rev. 2:26
Rev. 2:28
Rev. 3:1
Rev. 3:12
Is Jesus God? (SFBT); Jesus has a God (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God? (SFBT)
Rev. 3:14
Rev. 3:14 - Does 'Arkhe' Mean "Beginning" or Does it Mean "Origin" or "Source"? (Defending the NWT); VIDEO - "The Beginning of God's Creation" (A grammatical and historical consideration of Revelation 3:14.) (SFBT; Video from Scriptural Truths); NWT - Rev. 3:14 (Defending the NWT); BWF - 'Beginning,' 'Wisdom,' and 'Firstborn' (Examining the Trinity); Revelation 3:14 "...the beginning of the creation by God." (INDNWT) Witness of Jehovah? (SFBT); Jesus merely a man? (SFBT); Who created Jesus? (SFBT); Is Jesus God or the Son of God? (SFBT); Is Jesus God? (SFBT); Trinity a Bible teaching...Origin? (SFBT); Why don't JWs believe in Trinity? (SFBT); How old is JW religion? (SFBT); Micah 5:2 - Jesus' origin (SFBT); Does "Wisdom" at Prov. 8:22-30 refer to the Messiah, and does it say that he was created? (SFBT)
Rev. 4:2 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Rev. 4:5 What is indicated by the expression “the seven spirits”? (JWQ&A) "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Rev. 4:8 "Jehovah" in the New Testament (SFBT)
Rev. 5:6
Throne (Rev. 22:1) (Examining the Trinity); What is indicated by the expression “the seven spirits”? (JWQ&A) Rev. 5:6 and Rev. 5:13 "Throne" (Examining the Trinity); "Jehovah" in the New Testament; "Holy, Holy, Holy" - Is. 6:3 (SFBT)
Rev. 5:7
Rev. 5:10
Revelation 5:10 and "EPI": "On" or "Over"? (INDNWT); What does 'epi' mean? (JWQ&A); Greek Lexicon quote (JWQ&A)
Rev. 5:13
Rev. 5:6 and Rev. 5:13 "Throne" (Examining the Trinity)
Rev. 5:16
Rev. 6:2
Rev. 6:9
(Psyche / Soul) (DNWT)
Rev. 6:10
Rev. 6:10 "Sovereign Lord" (INDNWT); (Psyche / Soul) (DNWT)
Rev. 7:1
Rev. 7:2-4
Rev. 7:4-8 Is the number 144,000 merely symbolic? (vs.4) (SFBT); Are the 144,000 only natural Jews? (SFBT); "out of " (JWQ&A)
Rev. 7:9
Rev. 7:10
Rev. 8:10,11
What is Wormwood as read at Rev. 8:10,11? (SFBT); Wormwood and spiritual poisoning (JWQ&A); Not uncommon for the Bible to use stars in a figurative sense (JWQ&A)
Rev. 11:15
Rev. 11:17,18
Rev. 12:7-9
Quotes From Scholars Concerning Jesus as Michael the Archangel (SFBT); Is Satan really the ruler of the world? (SFBT); Satan responsible for snake in Eden? (SFBT); Is Jesus Michael the archangel? (vs. 7) (SFBT)
Rev. 12:10
Rev. 12:17
Why JWs persecuted? (SFBT)
Rev. 13:1
Rev. 14:1
Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT); Does Mt. 28:19 prove that the Holy Spirit is God?; Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT); If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Rev. 14:3,4
Does the wording at Rev. 14:3, 4 mean that none of the 144,000 persons had ever been married and are only men? (JWQ&A); What future hope for JWs? (SFBT); Physical and heavenly afterlives? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT); If Jehovah's Witnesses believe that only 144,000 people go to heaven, then wouldn't making more Jehovah's Witnesses reduce their own chances of getting into heaven? (SFBT)
Rev. 14:9-12
Does Revelation 14:10, 11 prove the existence of a fiery Hell? (SFBT) Rev. 14:10,11 - How will the smoke of the torment of the worshipper of the wild beast and it's image ascend forever and ever? (JWQ&A; Also note that it is the SMOKE that ascends forever...NOT the "torment". Also see: "Torment".); Rev. 14:9-12 (JWQ&A)
Rev. 14:14-20
Rev. 16:3
Animals souls? (SFBT)
Rev. 16:14-16
What is the war of Armageddon and does the use of the name Armageddon (Har–Magedon) mean that the war will be fought at a literal Mountain of Megiddo? (SFBT); Is the Holy Spirit really a thing that can be poured out into portions? (vs.16) (SFBT)
Rev. 19:1
Rev. 19:3,4
Rev. 19:6
Rev. 20:1-3
What single angel would be capable of defeating Satan and casting him into the pit? (SFBT); Since other texts show that the Millennial Rule of Christ brings an end to national rule and divisions (Dan. 2:44; 7:13, 14), What, then are the "Nations" mentioned in the prophecy at Rev. 20:1-3? (JWQ&A); Additional: Some of the meanings of "Nations" (JWQ&A)
Rev. 20:13,14
Rev. 20:13,14 - How Can Death and Hades be Thrown Into the "Lake of Fire"? What Does This Scripture Mean? (SFBT); Does anyone ever get out of the Bible hell? (SFBT); Anyone ever get out of Hell? (SFBT)
Rev. 21:4
God punish humans with hell? (SFBT); What happens after death? (SFBT); Do all good persons go to heaven? (SFBT)
Rev. 21:6,7
Rev. 21:8
Some will never be saved? (SFBT); Disfellowshipping found in Bible? (SFBT); Research: Holidays acceptable to God? (SFBT)
Rev. 21:12
Rev. 22:1
Throne (Rev. 22:1) (Examining the Trinity)
Rev. 22:8
What is an angel? (SFBT)
Rev. 22:13
Do Jesus and Jehovah Share the Same Title of "Alpha and Omega"? (SFBT); Alpha and Omega (AO) - Speaker Confusion Trick (Examining the Trinity)
Rev. 22:14,15
Rev. 22:16